Mr. Harris I presume,
Could there be some sort of indicator placed within this little floating Window to show which e-mail account it is for when using single installation with multiple accounts and checking all accounts for e-mail automagicly?
Suggestion: Maybe use the first letter or one that is not used in any of the other UserNames so we would know which Profile has received e-mail. Maybe Numbering the different accesses and then use that number. My apologies for not thinking of these before, but; learning a very complex software system, XP; e-mail client, Pegasus; plus new cell telies, is a very daunting task for one that is far behind the curve in technologies.
<P>Mr. Harris I presume,
Could there be some sort of indicator placed within this little floating Window to show which e-mail account it is for when using single installation with multiple accounts and checking all accounts for e-mail automagicly? </P>
<P>Suggestion: Maybe use the first letter or one that is not used in any of the other UserNames so we would know which Profile has received e-mail. Maybe Numbering the different accesses and then use that number. My apologies for not thinking of these before, but; learning a very complex software system, XP; e-mail client, Pegasus; plus new cell telies, is a very daunting task for one that is far behind the curve in technologies. </P>
<P mce_keep="true">&nbsp;</P>