Community Discussions and Support
David, Pegasus in 2020

I am also highly impressed by the achievements of DH. Pegasus with its environment is by far the best email system I have ever seen.

With great respect I wish indeed all the best to DH.

<p>I am also highly impressed by the achievements of DH. Pegasus with its environment is by far the best email system I have ever seen.</p><p>With great respect I wish indeed all the best to DH.</p>

Just read David's January 2020 posting on the mail website. 

Can only say I happy I am for him that his eye and health issues seem to be really improving, that we are all so grateful for his continued efforts to keep Pegasus to be the fine privacy and user controlled workhorse it has been.

There is still IMHO no better email client.

With a little luck, 2020 will see the release of version 5.  Very much appreciate DH's dedication and commitment.

<p>Just read David's January 2020 posting on the mail website.  </p><p>Can only say I happy I am for him that his eye and health issues seem to be really improving, that we are all so grateful for his continued efforts to keep Pegasus to be the fine privacy and user controlled workhorse it has been.</p><p>There is still IMHO no better email client. </p><p>With a little luck, 2020 will see the release of version 5.  Very much appreciate DH's dedication and commitment. </p>
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