The emails are showing up in pegasus mail and have size and normal attributes. But, when I try to open one I just get this message, There is nothing else. Nothing under attachments. Nothing.
This only applies to the New & Unread mail folder. Older folders with saved messages open just fine.
This message contains binary or non-textual data that cannot be previewed within Pegasus Mail.
You can work with this file in the message reader's 'Attachments' page.
<p>The emails are showing up in pegasus mail and have size and normal attributes.&nbsp; But, when I try to open one I just get this message,&nbsp; There is nothing else.&nbsp; Nothing under attachments.&nbsp; Nothing.</p><p>&nbsp;This only applies to the New &amp; Unread mail folder.&nbsp; Older folders with saved messages open just fine.
</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;This message contains binary or non-textual data that cannot be previewed within Pegasus Mail.
You can work with this file in the message reader's 'Attachments' page.</p>