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IERenderer network disable update notification

I just tested the global disabling of IER update notification by creating an ierenderer.ini file with UpdateNotification=NO as its only entry and placing it in the same directory as ierenderer.dll. I feel like I'm missing something because I expected a way to allow notification to specific user(s) but I don't find anything about that. I was also surprised to see that the IER 'auto update check' menu option still existed and could be toggled for the two users that I checked.

If I didn't miss anything then I think it would be beneficial if...

  1. The .ini contained another entry to allow notifications to listed Pegasus Mail user(s).
  2. When UpdateNotification=NO is set, the 'auto update check' menu item be hidden or changed to something like "Auto Update Check (admin disabled)" and greyed out to users not in the allowed list.

I just tested the global disabling of IER update notification by creating an ierenderer.ini file with UpdateNotification=NO as its only entry and placing it in the same directory as ierenderer.dll. I feel like I'm missing something because I expected a way to allow notification to specific user(s) but I don't find anything about that. I was also surprised to see that the IER 'auto update check' menu option still existed and could be toggled for the two users that I checked. If I didn't miss anything then I think it would be beneficial if... 1. The .ini contained another entry to allow notifications to listed Pegasus Mail user(s). 2. When UpdateNotification=NO is set, the 'auto update check' menu item be hidden or changed to something like "Auto Update Check (admin disabled)" and greyed out to users not in the allowed list.

  1. The .ini contained another entry to allow notifications to listed Pegasus Mail user(s).
  2. When UpdateNotification=NO is set, the 'auto update check' menu item be hidden or changed to something like "Auto Update Check (admin disabled)" and greyed out to users not in the allowed list.

Ad 1: Ok, I need to think about it.
Ad 2: It's a menu only option, that's why it isn't included in the usual option processing "by design". For the other options it's done automatically on implementation so I don't need to add any additional coding, that's why this one "escaped".

[quote="pid:53648, uid:28772"] 1. The .ini contained another entry to allow notifications to listed Pegasus Mail user(s). 2. When UpdateNotification=NO is set, the 'auto update check' menu item be hidden or changed to something like "Auto Update Check (admin disabled)" and greyed out to users not in the allowed list.[/quote] Ad 1: Ok, I need to think about it. Ad 2: It's a _menu only_ option, that's why it isn't included in the usual option processing "by design". For the other options it's done automatically on implementation so I don't need to add any additional coding, that's why this one "escaped".
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