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Pegasus 4.80 Opens and Immediately Closes.

Thank you, *

Yes, knew I left out I am running Windows 10.
Command line yielded exact same results.

Will look at 4.81 this weekend.


I was running a 2.8x version and was having issues with Spectrum. Decided to blow that away and new install 4.80

Two quirks:

When I open I get a flag that Pegasus may be blocked by another process; I ignore that. (Not a new flag with 4.80)

Then when that disappears, I get as far as "Pegasus Internet Mail Setup", for 1/2 second, and then everything closes.

Installed in C:\PMAIL. There is a C:\TEMP folder.

Any and all suggestions, welcome

LSU Tiger 1977

Thank you, * Yes, knew I left out I am running Windows 10. Command line yielded exact same results. Will look at 4.81 this weekend. J I was running a 2.8x version and was having issues with Spectrum. Decided to blow that away and new install 4.80 Two quirks: When I open I get a flag that Pegasus may be blocked by another process; I ignore that. (Not a new flag with 4.80) Then when that disappears, I get as far as "Pegasus Internet Mail Setup", for 1/2 second, and then everything closes. Installed in C:\PMAIL. There is a C:\TEMP folder. Any and all suggestions, welcome LSU Tiger 1977
edited Nov 16 '23 at 12:44 am

Exactly what OS are you running this on?
Which version of windows or perhaps linux?
Sometime opening a command prompt window, and running the WINPM-32.exe directly might show some info that running from shortcut hides.
cd C:\PMAIL\Programs

I'd also recommend doing the 4.81pb3 since there are some fixes in it over 4.80.
Also, might want to download and run the latest IERender update
10.11.2023 04:45 (CET): Version

Exactly what OS are you running this on? Which version of windows or perhaps linux? Sometime opening a command prompt window, and running the WINPM-32.exe directly might show some info that running from shortcut hides. cd C:\PMAIL\Programs WINPM-32 I'd also recommend doing the 4.81pb3 since there are some fixes in it over 4.80. Also, might want to download and run the latest IERender update 10.11.2023 04:45 (CET): Version

Thank you.

Running Windows 10.

I did run from command line and got the exact same result.

Will look at the IE Renderer and 4.81 this weekend.


Thank you. Running Windows 10. I did run from command line and got the exact same result. Will look at the IE Renderer and 4.81 this weekend. J

When I open I get a flag that Pegasus may be blocked by another process; I ignore that. (Not a new flag with 4.80)

Please explain the "Not a new flag with 4.80" comment. That flag only exists when there is an abend during shutdown of the last run Pegasus Mail instance.

Are you sure were running a 2.8x version? I thought versions prior to 3.1x were Netware only. I show downloading 3.12 in 2001.

When you installed 4.80 did you attempt to upgrade your existing version or did you do a new installation and are now trying to get it to run?

[quote="pid:56110, uid:39398"]When I open I get a flag that Pegasus may be blocked by another process; I ignore that. (Not a new flag with 4.80)[/quote] Please explain the "Not a new flag with 4.80" comment. That flag only exists when there is an abend during shutdown of the last run Pegasus Mail instance. Are you sure were running a 2.8x version? I thought versions prior to 3.1x were Netware only. I show downloading 3.12 in 2001. When you installed 4.80 did you attempt to upgrade your existing version or did you do a new installation and are now trying to get it to run?

I had the same problem recently, but I cannot remember whether it was during the installation of Pmail or IER.

Pmail somehow crashes and leaves an invisible instance (process) open in the background. However, you can close it using the task manager and this instance blocked for me the correct installation.

But after closing this background instance in the task manager and retrying the installation, the problem was solved for me.

I had the same problem recently, but I cannot remember whether it was during the installation of Pmail or IER. Pmail somehow crashes and leaves an invisible instance (process) open in the background. However, you can close it using the task manager and this instance blocked for me the correct installation. But after closing this background instance in the task manager and retrying the installation, the problem was solved for me.

Pegasus v4.81 Beta

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