Community Discussions and Support
Older mail with attachments being reloaded multiple times in "New mail" folder

Hi, all.

I'm running Pegasus Mail 4.8 on a new Windows 11 laptop, having installed it a day or so ago.

Today I'm finding that fairly recent mail with attachments -- all of which I've read and filed away -- keeps being reloaded in the "New mail" folder. The attachments have been stripped off, and the message reads:

This message contains binary or non-textual data that cannot be previewed within Pegasus Mail.
You can work with this file in the message reader's 'Attachments' page.

I can mark them as read, but I cannot delete them or move them elsewhere.

I've checked the internet settings for each of my identities; none of them are set to download messages automatically.

Any solutions? Suggestions will be gratefully received!


Hi, all. I'm running Pegasus Mail 4.8 on a new Windows 11 laptop, having installed it a day or so ago. Today I'm finding that fairly recent mail with attachments -- all of which I've read and filed away -- keeps being reloaded in the "New mail" folder. The attachments have been stripped off, and the message reads: This message contains binary or non-textual data that cannot be previewed within Pegasus Mail. Filename: ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ You can work with this file in the message reader's 'Attachments' page. I can mark them as read, but I cannot delete them or move them elsewhere. I've checked the internet settings for each of my identities; none of them are set to download messages automatically. Any solutions? Suggestions will be gratefully received! Mike

Mike McCoy South Africa

This issue has been reported in the past. AFAIK, the specific cause has not been identified. Suggested causes are corruption during download or some sort of virus. The solution has been to manually delete the offending message file(s). The first thing to try is see if you can identify the message filename by viewing its properties (select a message than hit F12, or, right-click > Message properties). If successful, close Pegasus Mail and then use a file explorer to manually delete that .cnm file. Note: These are plain text files so you could move it/them to a temporary location and attempt to view with a text editor if curious about their content.

If you can't access message properties then I suggest emptying the new mail folder of all messages except the problem ones and then use a file explorer to delete the remaining message files. Steps would be:

  • Put Pegasus Mail in offline mode (click icon at bottom right that looks like pipes in an upside down "T" shape with a yellow dot at their junction).
  • Create a new folder in Pegasus Mail named "1_New Mail Hold" (to be deleted once done with this process).
  • Move all new mail folder messages except the problem ones to the new folder.
  • Close Pegasus Mail
  • Use a file explorer to delete or move any remaining .cnm files from the mailbox directory.
  • Start Pegasus Mail. The problem messages should be gone.
  • Move the messages in the 1_New Mail Hold folder back to the new mail folder.
  • Delete the 1_New Mail Hold folder.

This issue has been reported in the past. AFAIK, the specific cause has not been identified. Suggested causes are corruption during download or some sort of virus. The solution has been to manually delete the offending message file(s). The first thing to try is see if you can identify the message filename by viewing its properties (select a message than hit F12, or, right-click > Message properties). If successful, close Pegasus Mail and then use a file explorer to manually delete that .cnm file. Note: These are plain text files so you could move it/them to a temporary location and attempt to view with a text editor if curious about their content. If you can't access message properties then I suggest emptying the new mail folder of all messages except the problem ones and then use a file explorer to delete the remaining message files. Steps would be: - Put Pegasus Mail in offline mode (click icon at bottom right that looks like pipes in an upside down "T" shape with a yellow dot at their junction). - Create a new folder in Pegasus Mail named "1_New Mail Hold" (to be deleted once done with this process). - Move all new mail folder messages except the problem ones to the new folder. - Close Pegasus Mail - Use a file explorer to delete or move any remaining .cnm files from the mailbox directory. - Start Pegasus Mail. The problem messages should be gone. - Move the messages in the 1_New Mail Hold folder back to the new mail folder. - Delete the 1_New Mail Hold folder.

Hi, Brian
Many thanks for your help. Your solution has worked!

Hi, Brian Many thanks for your help. Your solution has worked! Mike

Mike McCoy South Africa

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