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-J switch seems to be no longer available

I have never used the -J option before so I decided to play with it. I don't know what problem I'm looking for though since no details were provided about what part of it is not working. I was able to get it to queue a new message and was able to have Pegasus Mail open with the submitted message open and ready to send, but I could not figure out how to populate the body of the message. This could just be my ignorance, or maybe it is the part that is broken. Details are needed about what is perceived as broken.

FWIW, in my testing it did not work as expected nor did it work as per the instructions in the Help file "Command line options" > "Advanced job submission" link.

What I discovered is:

  1. There are many more header line options in a saved message than are listed in the Help file. An unknown is whether any of them are required.
  2. I was unable to figure out a way to include the content of the body of the message in the file being specified by the -J option. When looking at the content of a draft message (.PMO) there appears to be a dependence on a .PNX file for the message body but I was unable to figure out how to make it all work.

I have never used the -J option before so I decided to play with it. I don't know what problem I'm looking for though since no details were provided about what part of it is not working. I was able to get it to queue a new message and was able to have Pegasus Mail open with the submitted message open and ready to send, but I could not figure out how to populate the body of the message. This could just be my ignorance, or maybe it is the part that is broken. Details are needed about what is perceived as broken. FWIW, in my testing it did not work as expected nor did it work as per the instructions in the Help file "Command line options" > "Advanced job submission" link. What I discovered is: 1. There are many more header line options in a saved message than are listed in the Help file. An unknown is whether any of them are required. 2. I was unable to figure out a way to include the content of the body of the message in the file being specified by the -J option. When looking at the content of a draft message (.PMO) there appears to be a dependence on a .PNX file for the message body but I was unable to figure out how to make it all work.

I had also tried to use it, but could get it to open a message, but could also not get anything in body.

Did a test message to myself for queue, but closed Pegasus without sending and it creates a pair of files.

In this case

PWYYYPW5.PMW contains
First byte shows as 01 or SOH??, test queued message

SU:test queued message
ED:1920 684

PWYYYPW5.PNX contains
{\fonttbl{\f0 \froman DejaVu Serif;}}
{\colortbl ;\red255\green255\blue255 ;\red0\green0\blue0 ;}
{\stylesheet{\f0\fs24 Normal;}{\cs1 Default Paragraph Font;}{\s2\snext0\f0\fs24\b0\ul0\i0\cf2\fi0\li0\ri0\sb0\sa0\sl0 body;}}
\plain\plain\f0\fs24\ql\plain\f0\fs24 The Rain in Spain Falls Mainly on the Plain.\plain\f0\fs24\par

Just put a dummy line of text.

So, didn't find anything to make it work.

I had also tried to use it, but could get it to open a message, but could also not get anything in body. Did a test message to myself for queue, but closed Pegasus without sending and it creates a pair of files. In this case PWYYYPW5.PMW PWYYYPW5.PNX PWYYYPW5.PMW contains First byte shows as 01 or SOH??, test queued message SY:0 I8:1 SU:test queued message EN:0 CS:1 RC:1 DC:1 UR:0 SS:0 SG:0 MI:1 CE:UTF-8 ID:&lt;Default&gt; ME:0 MF:0 TX:0 EX:0 HP:0 ED:1920 684 RX:PWYYYPW5.PNX FL:0 PWYYYPW5.PNX contains {\rtf1\sstecf29000\ansi\deflang1033\ftnbj\uc1\deff0 {\fonttbl{\f0 \froman DejaVu Serif;}} {\colortbl ;\red255\green255\blue255 ;\red0\green0\blue0 ;} {\stylesheet{\f0\fs24 Normal;}{\cs1 Default Paragraph Font;}{\s2\snext0\f0\fs24\b0\ul0\i0\cf2\fi0\li0\ri0\sb0\sa0\sl0 body;}} {\*\revtbl{Unknown;}} \paperw12240\paperh15840\margl2010\margr2010\margt1440\margb1440\headery720\footery720\nogrowautofit\deftab680\formshade\nofeaturethrottle1\useltbaln1\dntblnsbdb\fet4\aendnotes\aftnnrlc\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot \sectd\pgwsxn12240\pghsxn15840\guttersxn0\marglsxn2010\margrsxn2010\margtsxn1440\margbsxn1440\headery720\footery720\sbkpage\pgncont\pgndec \plain\plain\f0\fs24\ql\plain\f0\fs24 The Rain in Spain Falls Mainly on the Plain.\plain\f0\fs24\par } Just put a dummy line of text. So, didn&#039;t find anything to make it work.

Take the following for a test, it works:

<========== Cut here ==========>
Self, Plain text test subject

SU:Plain text test subject

Plain text test body

<========== Cut here ==========>
Take the following for a test, it works: ```` &lt;========== Cut here ==========&gt; Self, Plain text test subject TO:Self SU:Plain text test subject CE:UTF-8 ID:&lt;Default&gt; Plain text test body &lt;========== Cut here ==========&gt; ````
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C

I have confirmed that the content provided by Michael works. It causes Pegasus Mail to behave differently than content copied from a .PMO in that a new message queued but Pegasus Mail is not started. The copied .PMO content result in a blank queued message and the starting of Pegasus Mail.

One thing that I have not been figured out is how to use the -J option when Pegasus Mail is already running. My tests result in receiving the mailbox locked warning. This is strange considering Pegasus Mail does not start with a command line that contains the -J option.

I have confirmed that the content provided by Michael works. It causes Pegasus Mail to behave differently than content copied from a .PMO in that a new message queued but Pegasus Mail is not started. The copied .PMO content result in a blank queued message and the starting of Pegasus Mail. One thing that I have not been figured out is how to use the -J option when Pegasus Mail is already running. My tests result in receiving the mailbox locked warning. This is strange considering Pegasus Mail does not start with a command line that contains the -J option.

The -J option results in a .PMW file being created in the mailbox directory. I found that manually creating .PMW files and placing them in the mailbox directory results in messages being queued for sending. A refresh of the new mail folder will also refresh the Queue Manager list.

Creating .PMW files and placing them in the mailbox directory appears to be an alternative to the -J option. I suspect that eight character filenames will be required.

The -J option results in a .PMW file being created in the mailbox directory. I found that manually creating .PMW files and placing them in the mailbox directory results in messages being queued for sending. A refresh of the new mail folder will also refresh the Queue Manager list. Creating .PMW files and placing them in the mailbox directory appears to be an alternative to the -J option. I suspect that eight character filenames will be required.
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