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Network configuration lost

After updating to 4.81 my network configuration gets lost when I close Pmail. I have to select Pop3 and SMTP configuration each time after start again.
Note: After upgrading, I changed to the english version in between to change some settings.
In which files is the active network configuration stored?

After updating to 4.81 my network configuration gets lost when I close Pmail. I have to select Pop3 and SMTP configuration each time after start again. Note: After upgrading, I changed to the english version in between to change some settings. In which files is the active network configuration stored?

Question: Is it a gmail account or other provider.

What does the PMAIL.INI have in it regarding PND files.
When Pegasus is closed.
With mine are lines like these.
POP3 Definition = POPXVWB5.PND, 0
SMTP Definition = SMT201GA.PND, 0
I have 3 Identities, so see 3 different sets.

Then would open Pegasus, and just look at PMAIL.INI to see if the lines are there are gone?
Don't change anything in file. Just look.
Then make sure PMAIL.INI is closed.

Then would reset the network options, and look at PMAIL.INI to see if PND lines have changed.
See if line have changed. If it is showing correct settings might want to copy the PMAIL.INI to a different name.

Then close pegasus, and see what PMAIL.INI has after closing. If the lines are different, try copying the version that had the correct settings.

Make sure user owns PMAIL.INI and has permission with windows.

Perhaps others have seen this.
Good Luck.

Question: Is it a gmail account or other provider. What does the PMAIL.INI have in it regarding PND files. When Pegasus is closed. With mine are lines like these. POP3 Definition = POPXVWB5.PND, 0 SMTP Definition = SMT201GA.PND, 0 I have 3 Identities, so see 3 different sets. Then would open Pegasus, and just look at PMAIL.INI to see if the lines are there are gone? Don't change anything in file. Just look. Then make sure PMAIL.INI is closed. Then would reset the network options, and look at PMAIL.INI to see if PND lines have changed. See if line have changed. If it is showing correct settings might want to copy the PMAIL.INI to a different name. Then close pegasus, and see what PMAIL.INI has after closing. If the lines are different, try copying the version that had the correct settings. Make sure user owns PMAIL.INI and has permission with windows. Perhaps others have seen this. Good Luck.

It's very likely caused by the new mail and the home mail directories no using the same location. Brian Fluet can help with this, I'm sure he'll show up here quite soon.

It's very likely caused by the new mail and the home mail directories no using the same location. Brian Fluet can help with this, I'm sure he'll show up here quite soon.
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When the Home and New mailbox locations are different, v4.81 only looks in the New mailbox directory for the POP3 and SMTP host files (.PND files) during startup. Pegasus Mail will not see them if they are in the Home mailbox directory which is what causes them to disappear. They can be re-selected but will disappear again on next startup. The workaround is to place a copy of the POP?????.PND and SMT?????.PND files in the New mailbox directory.

If you don't know the path of your Home and New mailbox locations you can find that within Pegasus Mail by going to Help > About Pegasus Mail and then clicking the Info button. The resulting display will contain entries that show these paths.

Finally, if the different location for Home and New was unintentional, they can be combined back to a single location.

When the Home and New mailbox locations are different, v4.81 only looks in the New mailbox directory for the POP3 and SMTP host files (.PND files) during startup. Pegasus Mail will not see them if they are in the Home mailbox directory which is what causes them to disappear. They can be re-selected but will disappear again on next startup. The workaround is to place a copy of the POP?????.PND and SMT?????.PND files in the New mailbox directory. If you don't know the path of your Home and New mailbox locations you can find that within Pegasus Mail by going to Help > About Pegasus Mail and then clicking the Info button. The resulting display will contain entries that show these paths. Finally, if the different location for Home and New was unintentional, they can be combined back to a single location.

Thanks to you all. Works perfect. Actually I don't know why I have different locations, but after about 35 years of use there may be strange configurations.

Thanks to you all. Works perfect. Actually I don't know why I have different locations, but after about 35 years of use there may be strange configurations.

I believe the action of doing a new installation and then copying the \Mail directory to it from an old installation is the most common cause for unintended Home and New mailbox locations. The reason for this is a change made to the installer. I don't know in exactly what version this occurred but in the past, a default installation resulted in mailbox directory of C:\PMAIL\Mail\Admin. The current installer places the mailbox directory in C:\PMAIL\Mail unless you are very attentive to selecting the multi-user installation option. The action of doing a new installation and then copying the \Mail directory to it from an old installation results in C:\PMAIL\Mail being the Home mailbox location and C:\PMAIL\Mail\Admin being the New mailbox location.

@asdf90, I am curious about your Home and New mailbox locations, specifically whether the scenario described above could explain their locations.

I believe the action of doing a new installation and then copying the \Mail directory to it from an old installation is the most common cause for unintended Home and New mailbox locations. The reason for this is a change made to the installer. I don't know in exactly what version this occurred but in the past, a default installation resulted in mailbox directory of C:\PMAIL\Mail\Admin. The current installer places the mailbox directory in C:\PMAIL\Mail unless you are very attentive to selecting the multi-user installation option. The action of doing a new installation and then copying the \Mail directory to it from an old installation results in C:\PMAIL\Mail being the Home mailbox location and C:\PMAIL\Mail\Admin being the New mailbox location. @asdf90, I am curious about your Home and New mailbox locations, specifically whether the scenario described above could explain their locations.

Brian, your guess was almost right. The only difference is that at some point I moved Pmail to the secondary hard drive.
Thanks again for your help.

Brian, your guess was almost right. The only difference is that at some point I moved Pmail to the secondary hard drive. Thanks again for your help.
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