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Upcoming IERenderer image cache changes

Upcoming IERenderer image cache changes

Hi All,

A new version of IERenderer will soon be released. That version will include a change to the default location of the image file cache directory. This change is significant enough to warrant a pre-release advisory to provide you with an opportunity to give it some consideration instead of being surprised by it during the next upgrade. Michael in der Wiesche gracefully accepted my offer to create and post the advisory, this advisory.

As you may know, the current default location for the IERenderer image file cache directory is in [WinDrive]:\Users[WinUser]\AppData\Roaming (= %APPDAT%) with a fallback location of [WinDrive]:\Users[WinUser]\AppData\Local\Temp (= %TEMP%). The following concerns have been expressed about these locations:

  1. When running a portable instance of Pegasus Mail, any cached image files are left on the host machine.
  2. In a multi-user shared installation (network installation) where users run Pegasus Mail from any PC on the LAN, their cached image files do not follow them from PC to PC.
  3. Cached image files do not travel with the mail data when copying a mailbox directory to a new installation of Pegasus Mail.

Michael is addressing these concerns by changing the default location of the IER image file cache. The new location will be a subdirectory of the new mailbox directory. The next upgrade will detect whether your image file cache is in one of the two default locations, and if it is, it will offer to relocate it to your new mailbox directory. If you agree, the new image file cache directory will be created in your new mail directory and all cached image files will be moved to it. This may take some time. If you don't agree, the image file cache will remain where it is.

You will still be able to control the location of the image file cache directory from within the IER configuration dialog.

This is not the only change contained in the new release. Watch for its release announcement or, once it is released, visit its version history page at

Upcoming IERenderer image cache changes Hi All, A new version of IERenderer will soon be released. That version will include a change to the default location of the image file cache directory. This change is significant enough to warrant a pre-release advisory to provide you with an opportunity to give it some consideration instead of being surprised by it during the next upgrade. Michael in der Wiesche gracefully accepted my offer to create and post the advisory, this advisory. As you may know, the current default location for the IERenderer image file cache directory is in [WinDrive]:\Users\[WinUser]\AppData\Roaming (= %APPDAT%) with a fallback location of [WinDrive]:\Users\[WinUser]\AppData\Local\Temp (= %TEMP%). The following concerns have been expressed about these locations: 1. When running a portable instance of Pegasus Mail, any cached image files are left on the host machine. 2. In a multi-user shared installation (network installation) where users run Pegasus Mail from any PC on the LAN, their cached image files do not follow them from PC to PC. 3. Cached image files do not travel with the mail data when copying a mailbox directory to a new installation of Pegasus Mail. Michael is addressing these concerns by changing the default location of the IER image file cache. The new location will be a subdirectory of the new mailbox directory. The next upgrade will detect whether your image file cache is in one of the two default locations, and if it is, it will offer to relocate it to your new mailbox directory. If you agree, the new image file cache directory will be created in your new mail directory and all cached image files will be moved to it. This may take some time. If you don't agree, the image file cache will remain where it is. You will still be able to control the location of the image file cache directory from within the IER configuration dialog. This is not the only change contained in the new release. Watch for its release announcement or, once it is released, visit its version history page at
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