Community Discussions and Support
Pop3 deleting mail from client server

I just setup Mercury on Xampp and I am trying to retrieve emails so I will have the emails on the Mercury server to read with Roundcube. I was able to download the emails but the original emails are deleted. I put a check on the MercuryP pop3 server setting to "ignore Pop3 delete commands", but the original emails were deleted on the client server. Apparently I have something set wrong. I do not want to delete the original emails.

Also, I cannot send emails to the original client now?

I just setup Mercury on Xampp and I am trying to retrieve emails so I will have the emails on the Mercury server to read with Roundcube. I was able to download the emails but the original emails are deleted. I put a check on the MercuryP pop3 server setting to "ignore Pop3 delete commands", but the original emails were deleted on the client server. Apparently I have something set wrong. I do not want to delete the original emails. Also, I cannot send emails to the original client now?
edited Dec 28 '24 at 8:15 pm

Sorry to hear, but there's a separate forum for handling Mercury issues at, you might get more help over there.

Sorry to hear, but there's a separate forum for handling Mercury issues at, you might get more help over there.
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