Tools & Utilities
MercurySynch, synch userbase, alias, relays with external DB

This code snippet is written in Delphi Pascal. It has functions and procedures to read a SQL-Database and synchronize tables for accounts, aliases and relays with multiple installations of Mercury. We use it to syncronize any alias changes every 20 minutes and account changes every night. The code was written before knowledge of the maiser command "RELOAD USERS".

You may use the source as you wish. Comments within is made in Swedish and English. Function calls have English names, why reading the code shouldn't be too hard even without learning Swedish...

Njoy / Peter

<P>This code snippet is written in Delphi Pascal. It has functions and procedures to read a SQL-Database and synchronize tables for accounts, aliases and relays with multiple installations of Mercury. We use it to syncronize any alias changes every 20 minutes and account changes every night. The code was written before knowledge of the maiser command "RELOAD USERS".</P> <P>You may use the source as you wish. Comments within is made in Swedish and English. Function calls have English names, why reading the code shouldn't be too hard even without learning Swedish...</P> <P>Njoy / Peter</P>
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