Mail sent to simply user instead of will have an X-Envelope-To: address of a simple user name rather then a full SMTP address. This happens in a number of ways but most common is through the use of MercuryD and delivering using a user name in the MercuryD setup. I do not know how you are setup but you must not be delivering via an alias, filter, MercuryD, etc using a simple user name or the forwarding will fail.
<p>Mail sent to simply user instead of will have an X-Envelope-To: address of a simple user name rather then a full SMTP address.&nbsp; This happens in a number of ways but most common is through the use of MercuryD and delivering using a user name in the MercuryD setup.&nbsp; I do not know how you are setup but you must not be delivering via an alias, filter, MercuryD, etc using a simple user name or the forwarding will fail.