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Spamhalter training question

[*-)]  This was to easy to for me to find it out by myself... Thank you, it´s working and now I have a "C" in my log [:)]

[*-)]  This was to easy to for me to find it out by myself... Thank you, it´s working and now I have a "C" in my log [:)]

I have a fresh Mercury/32 installation with SH activated. Feeded him

with lots of good and bad mails and merged the example word DB. And as

i see it starts working and marks more and more mails as spam.


i receive one Mail with different subject but same content (german) 1

Billion times. I sent it to the spam correction adress a million times,

copied it  1000 times to a textfile and merged it with the

spamhaltertools, but still no SPAM mark

Log from the correction looks OK i think:

 D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 Mercury version >= 4.1
D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 jobfile: C:\MERCURY\QUEUE\MG000023.QDF
D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 spamdir: C:\MERCURY\MAIL\spam
D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 nospamdir: C:\MERCURY\MAIL\nospam
D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 IP:
D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 > Match ACL
  20080808 210745.031 MG000023 from: <xx@xxxxxx.xx>
D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 > Local sender
D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 > for Whitelist
P 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 Correction enabled by password
_ 20080808 210745.046 MG000023 Correction request saved as: C:\MERCURY\MAIL\spam\AA346AAM.CNM
D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 Mercury version >= 4.1
D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 jobfile: C:\MERCURY\QUEUE\MG000022.QDF
D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 spamdir: C:\MERCURY\MAIL\spam
D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 nospamdir: C:\MERCURY\MAIL\nospam
D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 IP:
D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 > Match ACL
  20080808 210745.078 MG000022 from: <xx@xxxxxx.xx>
D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 > Local sender
D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 > for Whitelist
P 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 Correction enabled by password
_ 20080808 210745.093 MG000022 Correction request saved as: C:\MERCURY\MAIL\spam\AA346AAZ.CNM

Any idea when SH will recognize this BS?

I know that i can block it via content control (and will do so...), but i think that is not the idea behind SH...


P.S. Sorry, started the Thread in the wrong Section (Pegasus Mail), but deleted it and now I´m hopefully in the correct Section

&lt;p&gt;I have a fresh Mercury/32 installation with SH activated. Feeded him with lots of good and bad mails and merged the example word DB. And as i see it starts working and marks more and more mails as spam.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;But i receive one Mail with different subject but same content (german) 1 Billion times. I sent it to the spam correction adress a million times, copied it&amp;nbsp; 1000 times to a textfile and merged it with the spamhaltertools, but still no SPAM mark&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Log from the correction looks OK i think:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 Mercury version &amp;gt;= 4.1 D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 jobfile: C:\MERCURY\QUEUE\MG000023.QDF D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 spamdir: C:\MERCURY\MAIL\spam D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 nospamdir: C:\MERCURY\MAIL\nospam D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 IP: D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 &amp;gt; Match ACL &amp;nbsp; 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 from: &amp;lt;xx@xxxxxx.xx&amp;gt; D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 &amp;gt; Local sender D 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 &amp;gt; for Whitelist P 20080808 210745.031 MG000023 Correction enabled by password _ 20080808 210745.046 MG000023 Correction request saved as: C:\MERCURY\MAIL\spam\AA346AAM.CNM D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 Mercury version &amp;gt;= 4.1 D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 jobfile: C:\MERCURY\QUEUE\MG000022.QDF D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 spamdir: C:\MERCURY\MAIL\spam D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 nospamdir: C:\MERCURY\MAIL\nospam D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 IP: D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 &amp;gt; Match ACL &amp;nbsp; 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 from: &amp;lt;xx@xxxxxx.xx&amp;gt; D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 &amp;gt; Local sender D 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 &amp;gt; for Whitelist P 20080808 210745.078 MG000022 Correction enabled by password _ 20080808 210745.093 MG000022 Correction request saved as: C:\MERCURY\MAIL\spam\AA346AAZ.CNM&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt; Any idea when SH will recognize this BS? &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I know that i can block it via content control (and will do so...), but i think that is not the idea behind SH... &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;P.S. Sorry, started the Thread in the wrong Section (Pegasus Mail), but deleted it and now I&acute;m hopefully in the correct Section &lt;/p&gt;

Actually, here's what the Spamhalter log should look like (in debug mode) when doing a successful correction:

D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E Mercury version >= 4.1
D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E jobfile: D:\MERCURY\QUEUE\MG005E4E.QDF
D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E spamdir: M:\MAIL\spam
D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E nospamdir: M:\MAIL\nospam
D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E IP: [removed]
D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E > Match ACL
  20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E from:
D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E > Local sender
D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E > for Whitelist
P 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E Correction enabled by password
_ 20080809 015456.278 MG005E4E Correction request saved as: M:\MAIL\spam\AAPKJACF.CNM

Here the correction has arrived and been saved to the spam mailbox.
When the next message arrives the correction will be handled by SpamHalter:

D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 Mercury version >= 4.1
D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 jobfile: D:\MERCURY\QUEUE\MG005E50.QDF
D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 spamdir: M:\MAIL\spam
D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 nospamdir: M:\MAIL\nospam
D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 IP:
D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 > Missed ACL
  20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 from: <>
  20080809 015518.387 MG005E50  to:
D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 > Internet sender
D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 > Need to test
C 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 corrections to SPAM
C 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 AAPKJACF.CNM
A 20080809 015518.465 MG005E50 BL+:
C 20080809 015518.465 MG005E50 from:
C 20080809 015518.465 MG005E50 Rounds: 7
D 20080809 015518.559 MG005E50 before parse
D 20080809 015518.559 MG005E50 before lookup
  20080809 015518.559 MG005E50 Tokens: 19
B 20080809 015518.575 MG005E50 is on SMTP blacklist...
S 20080809 015518.590 MG005E50 SPAM! 1.0000
_ 20080809 015518.731 MG005E50 Done. (344)

So unless you see lines starting with C no correction has been attempted.

This was done by redirecting the correction to the spam mailbox, which in a bit tricky as the mail client may not send the message exactly as it was originally. Doing corrections by moving with IMAP seems to me to be a better way.


&lt;p&gt;Actually, here&#039;s what the Spamhalter log should look like (in debug mode) when doing a successful correction:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;blockquote&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;i&gt;D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E Mercury version &amp;gt;= 4.1 D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E jobfile: D:\MERCURY\QUEUE\MG005E4E.QDF D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E spamdir: M:\MAIL\spam D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E nospamdir: M:\MAIL\nospam D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E IP: [removed] D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E &amp;gt; Match ACL &amp;nbsp; 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E from: &lt;/i&gt;&lt;i&gt;[removed]&lt;/i&gt;&lt;i&gt; D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E &amp;gt; Local sender D 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E &amp;gt; for Whitelist P 20080809 015456.262 MG005E4E Correction enabled by password _ 20080809 015456.278 MG005E4E Correction request saved as: M:\MAIL\spam\AAPKJACF.CNM&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/blockquote&gt;&lt;p&gt;Here the correction has arrived and been saved to the spam mailbox. When the next message arrives the correction will be handled by SpamHalter: &lt;/p&gt;&lt;blockquote&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;i&gt;D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 Mercury version &amp;gt;= 4.1 D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 jobfile: D:\MERCURY\QUEUE\MG005E50.QDF D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 spamdir: M:\MAIL\spam D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 nospamdir: M:\MAIL\nospam D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 IP: D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 &amp;gt; Missed ACL &amp;nbsp; 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 from: &amp;lt;;gt; &amp;nbsp; 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50&amp;nbsp; to: &lt;/i&gt;&lt;i&gt;[removed]&lt;/i&gt; &lt;i&gt;D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 &amp;gt; Internet sender D 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 &amp;gt; Need to test C 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 corrections to SPAM C 20080809 015518.387 MG005E50 AAPKJACF.CNM A 20080809 015518.465 MG005E50 BL+: C 20080809 015518.465 MG005E50 from: C 20080809 015518.465 MG005E50 Rounds: 7 D 20080809 015518.559 MG005E50 before parse D 20080809 015518.559 MG005E50 before lookup &amp;nbsp; 20080809 015518.559 MG005E50 Tokens: 19 B 20080809 015518.575 MG005E50 is on SMTP blacklist... S 20080809 015518.590 MG005E50 SPAM! 1.0000 _ 20080809 015518.731 MG005E50 Done. (344) &lt;/i&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/blockquote&gt;&lt;p&gt;So unless you see lines starting with C no correction has been attempted.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;This was done by redirecting the correction to the spam mailbox, which in a bit tricky as the mail client may not send the message exactly as it was originally. Doing corrections by moving with IMAP seems to me to be a better way. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;/Rolf&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;

OK, I see the point, thank you. This is something i supposed before and tried to delete the " FWD parts" from my Mailclient, but this is really not very usefull;-))

 So now i have an other prob;-) How can i copy the spammails to the spam folder. I´m using IMAP but can´t copy the mails out of my root folder to another root folder (spam@xxxxx.xx), which is the spam mailbox in SH. And I can´t tell SH to look into the subfolder of my Mailbox for corrections?



&lt;p&gt;OK, I see the point, thank you. This is something i supposed before and tried to delete the &quot; FWD parts&quot; from my Mailclient, but this is really not very usefull;-))&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;So now i have an other prob;-) How can i copy the spammails to the spam folder. I&acute;m using IMAP but can&acute;t copy the mails out of my root folder to another root folder (spam@xxxxx.xx), which is the spam mailbox in SH. And I can&acute;t tell SH to look into the subfolder of my Mailbox for corrections? &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;

In your client, add another IMAP account for spam@xxxx.xx, then just drag and drop the spams to the INBOX of the spam account.

In your client, add another IMAP account for spam@xxxx.xx, then just drag and drop the spams to the INBOX of the spam account.
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