Downloads are now available from the community.
Pegasus Mail Public Beta v4.51 (English)
Pegasus Mail Public Beta v4.51 (German)
Please use the Beta forum for any discussions regarding the beta versions.
Forum posts will be moved when they relate to the beta and have been published in the wrong forums. We are aware that moving forum threads creates trouble for those that keep up with unread posts, so please adhere to this policy.
<P>Downloads are now available from the community.</P>
<P><A class="" href="" target=_blank mce_href="/files/folders/11243/download.aspx">Pegasus Mail&nbsp;Public Beta v4.51 (English)</A>
<A class="" href="" target=_blank mce_href="/files/folders/11244/download.aspx">Pegasus Mail Public Beta v4.51 (German)</A></P>
<P>Please use the <A class="" href="" mce_href="/forums/59/ShowForum.aspx">Beta forum</A> for any discussions regarding the beta versions.
Forum posts will be moved when they relate to the beta and have been published in the wrong forums. We are aware that moving forum threads&nbsp;creates trouble for those that keep up with unread posts, so please adhere to this policy.</P>