[quote user="viking956"]Hello,Is there a file within the Mercury directories that contains the complete local user list in text format? I'd like to be able to pull that list to a spreadsheet.
Yes, the pmail.usr file at the top of the mailbox directory structure. It can easily be imported into a spreadsheet using delimited. Here's a snippet of the file.
U;aa;American Airlines
U;abuse;Abuse Admin
A;admin;Admin User
The A is admin, the U is user followed by username and then personal name.
<blockquote>[quote user="viking956"]Hello,<p>Is there a file within the Mercury directories that contains the complete local user list in text format? I'd like to be able to pull that list to a spreadsheet.</p><p>Thanks![/quote]</p></blockquote><p>Yes, the pmail.usr file at the top of the mailbox directory structure. &nbsp; It can easily be imported into a spreadsheet using delimited.&nbsp; Here's a snippet of the file.</p><p>U;aa;American Airlines
U;abuse;Abuse Admin
A;admin;Admin User</p><p>The A is admin, the U is user followed by username and then personal name.