Hi all
I am new in serwers especialy in mail serwers , I have did something in one of my scripts and now I get the weird message all the time I am opening mercury.
In mercury core process I got this all the thime :
Tue 19, 14:31:42: Job MO00558B: Processing failed deliveries and generating notifications
postmaster@localhost - Notification discarded - potential loop.
And in the SMTP Client all the time this :
19 May 09 14:30, Servicing job MO005581... 504 5.5.2 <Admin@localhost>: Recipient address rejected: need fully-qualifi OK.
I want to get rid of this but I don't know how I don't really know what is this.....now I am starting and stopping server each time when I want to send message cause this makes some problems and the my messages don't want to be send because of this......
<p>Hi all</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I am new in serwers especialy in mail serwers , I have did something in one of my scripts and now I get the weird message all the time I am opening mercury.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>In mercury core process I got this all the thime :</p><p>Tue 19, 14:31:42: Job MO00558B: Processing failed deliveries and generating notifications
postmaster@localhost - Notification discarded - potential loop.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>And in the SMTP Client all the time this :
</p><p>19 May 09 14:30, Servicing job MO005581...&nbsp; 504 5.5.2 &lt;Admin@localhost&gt;: Recipient address rejected: need fully-qualifi OK.</p><p>&nbsp;I want to get rid of this but I don't know how I don't really know what is this.....now I am starting and stopping server each time when I want to send message cause this makes some problems and the my messages don't want to be send because of this......