We are using Mercury 4.51 on windows server 2003. All users are using Pegasus to access their emails but now some are asking to use Outlook Express and Pop3.
I have tried setting up myself to retreive my email using outlook express but I get the following error:
There was a problem logging onto your mail server. Your Password was rejected. Account: 'bwhite', Server: '192.*.*.*, Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR Username or password is invalid or incorrect.', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92
I have checked the passwd file and the password is correct, I have used simple passwords such as test and it did not matter.
I have used telnet to connect and I get the reply Pop3 serve ready, that the user is known and then when I try the pass it returns; -ERR Username or password is invalid or incorrect.
I have logged the sessions and I get this: Connection from 192.*.*.*, Tue May 19 08:39:56 2009
0 sec. elapsed, connection closed Tue May 19 08:39:56 2009
I have noticed that I can not add or change the password in Mercury/ Manage Local Users. I change the password there but nothing changes in the passwd file in the users folder. The same is true for setting up new users, I have to first add them to the pmail.usr file using notepad and then add them thru Mercury and then restart Mercury.
<P>We are using Mercury 4.51 on windows server 2003.&nbsp;&nbsp;All users are using Pegasus to access their emails but now some are asking&nbsp;to use Outlook Express and Pop3.</P>
<P>I have tried setting&nbsp;up myself to retreive my email using outlook express but I get the following error:</P>
<P>There was a problem logging onto your mail server. Your Password was rejected. Account: 'bwhite', Server: '192.*.*.*, Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR Username or password is invalid or incorrect.', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92</P>
<P>I have checked the passwd file and the password is correct, I have used simple passwords such as test and it did not matter.</P>
<P>I have used telnet to connect and I get the reply Pop3 serve ready, that the user is known and then when I try the pass it returns; -ERR Username or password is invalid or incorrect.</P>
<P>I have logged the sessions and I get this: Connection from 192.*.*.*, Tue May 19 08:39:56 2009
0 sec. elapsed, connection closed Tue May 19 08:39:56 2009</P>
<P mce_keep="true">&nbsp;</P>
<P>I have noticed that I can not add or change the password in Mercury/ Manage Local Users.&nbsp; I change the password there but nothing changes in the passwd file in the users folder.&nbsp; The same is true for setting up new users, I have to first add them to the pmail.usr file using notepad and then add them thru Mercury and then restart Mercury.</P>
<P mce_keep="true">&nbsp;</P>