I have added this little routine into Virscan 4.9.8 which will be available shortly. It will convert any %nn sequence less than %7F on subject lines with the intended character when a message is sent from Pegasus Mail. Characters will include any blank, %, <, >, =, |,/,\ etc encoded with the %nn, but *not* the =xx sequence which indicates a Quoted-Printable byte
<p>I have added this little routine into Virscan 4.9.8 which will be available shortly. It will convert any %nn sequence less than %7F on subject lines with the intended character when a message is sent from Pegasus Mail. Characters will include&nbsp; any blank, %, &lt;, &gt;, =, |,/,\ etc encoded with the %nn, but *not* the =xx sequence which indicates a Quoted-Printable byte