MercuryS used to log connections such as the following:
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a Connection from
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a HELO
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a MAIL FROM:<>
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a RCPT TO:<>
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a DATA
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a DATA - 71 lines, 4303 bytes.
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a QUIT
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a Connection closed with, 0 sec. elapsed.
That is the last proper log I received. After that all I get is:
T 20090413 173352 49e3718b Connection from
T 20090413 173357 49e3718c Connection from
T 20090413 173357 49e3718c Connection closed with, 0 sec. elapsed.
T 20090413 173358 49e3718b Connection closed with, 6 sec. elapsed.
What have I done wrong?
[quote user="ryanj"]MercuryS used to log connections such as the following:
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a Connection from
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a HELO
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a MAIL FROM:<>
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a RCPT TO:<>
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a DATA
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a DATA - 71 lines, 4303 bytes.
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a QUIT
T 20090413 173213 49e3718a Connection closed with, 0 sec. elapsed.That is the last proper log I received. After that all I get is:
T 20090413 173352 49e3718b Connection from
T 20090413 173357 49e3718c Connection from
T 20090413 173357 49e3718c Connection closed with, 0 sec. elapsed.
T 20090413 173358 49e3718b Connection closed with, 6 sec. elapsed.What have I done wrong?
Not sure. This log indicates that you are not receiving any mail at all via MercuryS. Are you actually receiving any mail? What does a MercuryS session log show?
Sorry to revive an old, old thread, but this problem has recently been dumped back into my lap.
My session logs look good, I get a clear record of the entire conversation:
20:59:23.656: Connection from, Thu Jul 02 20:59:22 2009<lf>
20:59:23.671: << 220 ESMTP server ready.<cr><lf>
20:59:23.703: >> HELO<cr><lf>
20:59:23.703: << 250 Hello,<cr><lf>
20:59:23.750: >> MAIL FROM: <><cr><lf>
20:59:23.750: << 250 Sender OK - send RCPTs.<cr><lf>
20:59:23.781: >> RCPT TO: <><cr><lf>
20:59:23.796: << 250 Recipient OK - send RCPT or DATA.<cr><lf>
20:59:23.828: >> DATA<cr><lf>
20:59:24.500: << 250 Data received OK.<cr><lf>
20:59:24.531: --- Connection closed normally at Thu Jul 02 20:59:24 2009. ---
Yet, I still get no details in MercuryS.LOG. I'd run with session logs if I had the disk space to accomodate them, but I'm sure that there is something silly that's happened to turn off the extra details in the log. Any help would be appreciated.
Yet, I still get no details in MercuryS.LOG. I'd run with session
logs if I had the disk space to accommodate them, but I'm sure that
there is something silly that's happened to turn off the extra details
in the log. Any help would be appreciated.
There are no specific settings in the MercuryS logging to control this but there may be some other setting that is incorrect. Check the settings in the mercury.ini file. I get normal logs and here's all my settings.
Debug : 1
Logfile : C:\MERCURY\Logs\MERCURYS\mers~y~m.LOG
Timeout : 30
Relay : 0
Strict_Relay : 1
Alt_Server_Port : 587
Allow_Illegals : 0
SMTP_Authentication : 1
Auth_File : c:\mercury\mercury\pass.txt
Killfile : c:\pmail\mail\thomas\killfile.pml
Session_logging : c:\mercury\logs\mercurys
Session_logmode : 0
Compliance_Settings : 288
Maximum_Failed_Rcpts : 4
Max_Relay_Attempts : 4
SSL_Mode : 1
SSL_Certfile : c:\mercury\filename.cer
ST_Blacklisting : 0
No_VRFY : 1
SMTP_ConnFlags : 0
Do you have "Display session progress and debugging information" checked in MercuryS configuration? That's the only setting I know of that could affect logging detail level.
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