I would like to be able to send e-mail from a script that has been called by Mercury's Global Filtering to a user account on my LAN. Can I do this without having to go outside of my LAN (e.g. for DNS lookup)? Currently I have been using blat as a command-line mail sending application from within my script. A typical blat line is (I have manufactured this example to protect the innocent (me)):
C:Mercury/blat $Msg_File -to Gordon@localhost. -from Gordon@localhost. -subject "Script Notification" -server localhost -port 25 -u Gordon@localhost -pw password -debug -log C:/MERCURY/blat.log -timestamp
The blat log shows the following exchange with MercuryS:
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed)------------Start of Session-----------------
Blat v2.6.2 w/GSS encryption (build : Feb 25 2007 12:06:19)
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 220 Computer ESMTP server ready.
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): >>>putline>>> EHLO delta2
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 250-Delta Hello Computer; ESMTPs are:
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 250-TIME
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 250-SIZE 0
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 250 HELP
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): Sending C:/MERCURY/TestMessage.txt to Gordon@localhost
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): Subject: SMTP_Test
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): Login name is Gordon@localhost
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): >>>putline>>> AUTH LOGIN
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): >>>putline>>> R29yZG9uTmV3QDEyNy4wLjAuMQ==
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): >>>putline>>> [edited: password removed]
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 501 Authentication failed - bad user or password.
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): The SMTP server did not accept Auth LOGIN PASSWD value.
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): >>>putline>>> QUIT
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): <<<getline<<< 221 Delta Service closing channel.
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed)-------------End of Session------------------
I am absolutely sure that I am using the correct password for the account Gordon.
Maybe this is a blat issue, though I have used it successfully with external servers.
Is MercuryS happy with an address like Gordon@localhost or does it insist upon using DNS. I have also tried to use instead of localhost, but the result is the same.
So my question is, why is MercuryS rejecting the login.
Note that Connection Control lists as a valid connection source.
Thank you
<p>I would like to be able to send e-mail from a script that has been called by Mercury's Global Filtering to a user account on my LAN.&nbsp; Can I do this without having to go outside of my LAN (e.g. for DNS lookup)?&nbsp; Currently I have been using blat as a command-line mail sending application from within my script.&nbsp; A typical blat line is (I have manufactured this example to protect the innocent (me)):</p><p>C:Mercury/blat&nbsp;$Msg_File -to&nbsp;<a mce_href="mailto:Gordon@localhost." href="mailto:Gordon@localhost.">Gordon@localhost.</a> -from&nbsp;<a mce_href="mailto:Gordon@localhost" href="mailto:Gordon@localhost">Gordon@localhost</a>. -subject&nbsp;"Script Notification"&nbsp;-server localhost -port 25 -u&nbsp;<a mce_href="mailto:Gordon@localhost" href="mailto:Gordon@localhost">Gordon@localhost</a> -pw&nbsp;password -debug -log C:/MERCURY/blat.log -timestamp</p><p>The blat log shows the following exchange with MercuryS:</p><p>2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed)------------Start of Session-----------------
Blat v2.6.2 w/GSS encryption (build : Feb 25 2007 12:06:19)
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &lt;&lt;&lt;getline&lt;&lt;&lt; 220&nbsp;Computer ESMTP server ready.
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &gt;&gt;&gt;putline&gt;&gt;&gt; EHLO delta2
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &lt;&lt;&lt;getline&lt;&lt;&lt; 250-Delta Hello Computer; ESMTPs are:
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &lt;&lt;&lt;getline&lt;&lt;&lt; 250-TIME
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &lt;&lt;&lt;getline&lt;&lt;&lt; 250-SIZE 0
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &lt;&lt;&lt;getline&lt;&lt;&lt; 250 HELP
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): Sending C:/MERCURY/TestMessage.txt to <a mce_href="mailto:Gordon@localhost" href="mailto:Gordon@localhost">Gordon@localhost</a>
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): Subject: SMTP_Test
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): Login name is <a mce_href="mailto:GordonNew@" href="mailto:GordonNew@">Gordon@localhost</a>
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &gt;&gt;&gt;putline&gt;&gt;&gt; AUTH LOGIN
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &lt;&lt;&lt;getline&lt;&lt;&lt; 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &gt;&gt;&gt;putline&gt;&gt;&gt; R29yZG9uTmV3QDEyNy4wLjAuMQ==
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &lt;&lt;&lt;getline&lt;&lt;&lt; 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &gt;&gt;&gt;putline&gt;&gt;&gt; [edited: password removed]
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &lt;&lt;&lt;getline&lt;&lt;&lt; 501 Authentication failed - bad user or password.
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): The SMTP server did not accept Auth LOGIN PASSWD value.
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &gt;&gt;&gt;putline&gt;&gt;&gt; QUIT
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed): &lt;&lt;&lt;getline&lt;&lt;&lt; 221 Delta Service closing channel.
2009.09.02 18:04:16 (Wed)-------------End of Session------------------</p><p>I am absolutely sure that I am using the correct password for the account Gordon.</p><p>Maybe this is a blat issue, though I have used it successfully with external servers.</p><p>Is MercuryS happy with an address like <a mce_href="mailto:GordonNew@" href="mailto:GordonNew@">Gordon@localhost</a>&nbsp;or does it insist upon using DNS.&nbsp; I have also tried to use instead of localhost, but the result is the same.</p><p>So my&nbsp;question is, why is MercuryS rejecting the login.</p><p>Note that Connection Control lists as a valid connection source.</p><p>Thank you</p><p>Gordon