E 20090915 121135 a94 Error connecting to RBQITEXCHVS01.XCTC.CTC.NHS.UK.
This can be caused by a number of reasons.
1. Port 25 is being blocked by your ISP and this is not your ISPs SMTP relay host.
2. Port 25 is being blocked by your firewall.
3. Mercury/32 is being blocked by your firewall.
As a test try using Start | Run telnet tstephenson.com 25 to verify that you get the answer 220 tstephenson.com ESMTP server ready. If you do not then port 25 is being blocked. BTW I cannot connect to RBQITEXCHVS01.XCTC.CTC.NHS.UK either.
<blockquote><strong>E 20090915 121135 a94 Error connecting to RBQITEXCHVS01.XCTC.CTC.NHS.UK.</strong></blockquote><p>This can be caused by a number of reasons.</p><p>1.&nbsp; Port 25 is being blocked by your ISP and this is not your ISPs SMTP relay host.</p><p>2.&nbsp; Port 25 is being blocked by your firewall.</p><p>3.&nbsp; Mercury/32 is being blocked by your firewall. </p><p>As a test try using <b>Start | Run telnet tstephenson.com 25</b> to verify that you get the answer <b>220 tstephenson.com ESMTP server ready.</b>&nbsp; If you do not then port 25 is being blocked.&nbsp; BTW I cannot connect to <strong>RBQITEXCHVS01.XCTC.CTC.NHS.UK either.