i just want to ask if there is any settings i can make, that Mercury sends out with myaddress@provider.com because i cant use postmaster@localhost.
My domain provider don't provides free addresses.
I can only send mails out with my own mail address.
please tell me how i can change "postmaster" into myaddress or if ther is any other way to get this work?
The postmaster address is made up by adding the name you provided in Configuration | Mercury core | Internet name for this system, i.e. postmaster@<Internet name for this system> When sending mail Mercury/32 will only use the postmaster address when send mail like error messages unless you set the From: address in the message to the postmaster address.
I assume you are sending your mail using a SMTP mail client sending mail to MercuryS that is processed by Mercury core and then sent out using either MercuryE or MercuryC. If so turn on session logging in MercuryS to verify the From: address in the message you are sending.