Mercury will simply use the available network resources, there are no bandwidth throttling settings. If you use MercuryE to deliver messages you can set the number of simultaneous deliveries in the configuration for that module, though.
Other than that I believe that certain firewalls and routers may allow you to limit the bandwidth used for individual protocols. To increase speed it's usually the Internet connection you should review, common connection methods like ADSL has rather limited speed for outgoing traffic.
<p>Mercury will simply use the&nbsp;available network resources, there are no bandwidth throttling settings. If you use MercuryE to deliver messages you can set the number of simultaneous deliveries in the configuration for that module, though.</p><p>Other than that I believe that certain firewalls and routers may allow you to limit the bandwidth used for individual protocols. To increase speed it's usually the Internet connection you should review, common connection methods like ADSL has rather limited speed for outgoing traffic.</p><p>/Rolf&nbsp;</p>