I've check the session log for two test messages sent via the core module and see no activity that suggests failure with words like 'failed' unable to connect' 'refused' etc
I notice the sender header is 'postmaster@[xxx.xxx.x.xx]' my local network IP that the mail server is on, rather than a 'postmaster@mydomain.abc'. ???
I'm running Thunderbird email client's across my network with a number of email addresses, hence my option to run with a email server to try and control our email system, plus trying to handle some 200+ spam emails a day. It's all working fine and we are dumping the spam, but I would like to return spam (where possible) as 'not at this address' or 'address not found'.
I still have our email clients SMTP direct to our ISP and they send fine, it's just the Merc sending is the prob.
I'd like to close this problem before I purchase a licence.
I'll touch base with my ISP as well and see what they have to say.
<p>I've check the session log for two test messages sent via the core module and see no activity that suggests failure with words like 'failed' unable to connect' 'refused' etc</p><p>I notice the sender header is 'postmaster@[xxx.xxx.x.xx]' my local network IP that the mail server is on, rather than a 'postmaster@mydomain.abc'. ???</p><p>I'm running Thunderbird email client's across my network with a number of email addresses, hence my option to run with a email server to try and control our email system, plus trying to handle some 200+ spam emails a day. It's all working fine and we are dumping the spam, but I would like to return spam (where possible) as 'not at this address' or 'address not found'. &nbsp;</p><p>I still have our email clients SMTP direct to our ISP and they send fine, it's just the Merc sending is the prob. &nbsp;</p><p>I'd like to close this problem before I purchase a licence. &nbsp;</p><p>I'll touch base with my ISP as well and see what they have to say.</p><p>Cheers</p><p>&nbsp;<img mce_src="http://community.pmail.com/emoticons/emotion-21.gif" src="http://community.pmail.com/emoticons/emotion-21.gif"></p><p>&nbsp;</p>