sorry if this is a daft question but how would i check this and if it is so change it so it did update?
Since I do not have Win7 you're pretty much on your own here. The loss of the data says the pmail.ini file is not being updated on closing. It works while you are in the program since these data are stored in memory but of course that is cleared when you close the program. This needs to be written to the pmail.ini file and you'll have to figure out why you can't. You probably can't edit and save pmail.ini with Notepad either.
<blockquote>sorry if this is a daft question but how would i check this and if it is so change it so it did update?</blockquote><p>Since I do not have Win7 you're pretty much on your own here.&nbsp; The loss of the data says the pmail.ini file is not being updated on closing.&nbsp; It works while you are in the program since these data are stored in memory but of course that is cleared when you close the program.&nbsp; This needs to be written to the pmail.ini file and you'll have to figure out why you can't.&nbsp; You probably can't edit and save pmail.ini with Notepad either.