I just checked, and I cannot read/open the messages. It says "Thismessage contains binary or non-textual data that cannot be previewed
within Pegasus Mail" You can work with this file in the message
reader's 'Attachments' page. When I go to the attachment page it is
empty. I thank you in advance for your help-Dave Seber
This sounds like the message does not exist. What do you see in the raw view? What do you see when you close and re-open the new mail folder.
This looks almost like a POP3 account is connecting to the new mail directory, downloading and deleting the mail. The delete message will still show in the new mail folder until it is closed and reopened. The same thing can happen with a filter.
<blockquote>I just checked, and I cannot read/open the messages. It says "This
message contains binary or non-textual data that cannot be previewed
within Pegasus Mail" You can work with this file in the message
reader's 'Attachments' page. When I go to the attachment page it is
empty. I thank you in advance for your help-Dave Seber </blockquote><p>This sounds like the message does not exist.&nbsp; What do you see in the raw view?&nbsp; What do you see when you close and re-open the new mail folder. &nbsp;</p><p>This looks almost like a POP3 account is connecting to the new mail directory, downloading and deleting the mail.&nbsp; The delete message will still show in the new mail folder until it is closed and reopened.&nbsp; The same thing can happen with a filter.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>