It would be great to have a way to import an address book from a tagged-text and/or CSV file via the command line, rather than having to start up Pegasus GUI and go through all the selections. Either a separate little executable or some switches on the Pegasus command line to specify the names of the input text file and output address book.
I have a spreadsheet that contains all our user/contact/address book/distribution list data for the organisation. A macro in the spreadsheet writes distribution lists (easy to do - no binary formatting needed) and tagged-text files containing the various address book data. This data is updated regularly and new system address books made and put in place in Pegasus. It would be great to be able to automate the address book import.
I realise that the binary address book format has been published in these forums, but writing the binary format from the macro will be a bit difficult and in any case it will probably change with the new address book enhancements coming along.
Using Dawn converter has the same issue - I can't see a way to drive Dawn from the command line / script it.
Perhaps this idea could be implemented along with the new enhanced book?
<p>It would be great to have a way to import an address book from a tagged-text and/or CSV file via the command line, rather than having to start up Pegasus GUI and go through all the selections. Either a separate little executable or some switches on the Pegasus command line to specify the names of the input text file and output address book.
</p><p>I have a spreadsheet that contains all our user/contact/address book/distribution list data for the organisation. A macro in the spreadsheet writes distribution lists (easy to do - no binary formatting needed) and tagged-text files containing the various address book data. This data is updated regularly and new system address books made and put in place in Pegasus. It would be great to be able to automate the address book import.</p><p>I realise that the binary address book format has been published in these forums, but writing the binary format from the macro will be a bit difficult and in any case it will probably change with the new address book enhancements coming along.</p><p>Using Dawn converter has the same issue - I can't see a way to drive Dawn from the command line / script it.
</p><p>Perhaps this idea could be implemented along with the new enhanced book?</p><p>&nbsp;</p>