Hello David,
Its a great pleasure to see your name on a recent reply concerning our shut-down problems. I have never had the opportunity to thank you personally for your excellent program Pegasus, which, as you may have understood, we have used for almost an entire decade. Well : Thanks David, you can be proud of your timeless effort for the IT community. Any form of apology concerning support is entirly unnecessary, we have only praise for your product, and support your efforts to keep Pegasus alive.
To specifics: I think that you have fully understood my ORIGINAL posting, and further precision is unnecessary. When some well meaning contributers suggested that archiving in a tree structure was impossible, I admit to feeling rather surprised and dissapointed.
In the Data Recovery business we learn that nothing is impossible, some things just take a little longer, and often simple "thinking outside the box"
- Not knowing the exact purpose of all the files in the /mail/User catalog, we copied Everything from /mail/User to /mail/Archive.
- We then determined that one file at the /mail/ level called "pmail.usr" was no less that a simple text document to which we added the row "A;Archive;Archive of logs and email" (ignore Swedish language please)
- less that 5 minuits later, we started Pegasus, selected Archive and saw, to our great satisfaction, an entire, fully functioning archive of all our email to the present day. The data was in our original tree structure, as you probable realize. So much for "impossible.."
- Shortly thereafter, we started the Original User account and started very severe surgery. Unfortunately, removing entire trees was not possible, but we concur that safety is better that speed and resulting human errors. An hour later we had a clean "current year user"
You are correct David. It wasn't the problem ( . . . I hope that every one is enjoying the saga) There are no close down filters as you suspected.
The shutdown is still between 3 and 4 minutes AND MUST NOT BE DISTURBED. Pushing the soft power-down via power switch is most certainly NOT an option.
The archive, not surprisingly, still takes 3-4 minutes, but so does the slim-lined user.
Now for an interesting observation, my own 'private' email has a dedicated user /Tony/ containing several hundred mails. Shutdown time: instant, never a problem. Could spam halter be a factor ? Our company receives disproportionate amounts of unsolicited email, spam and virus payloads. Probably a large amount are initiated by compeditors since we have, to our knowledge, no disgruntled customers.
We have a rather large file called words4.db3 about 94Mb; 25 or so PPM files from 40Mb to 90Mb and literally hundreds of smaller PPM files some as small as 7Kb.
Another observation; we have about ten empty folders that cannot be deleted, the message:
Tray is not empty, You have asked to delete a tray file which still contains folders.
However there are no folders or anything else in the file trays. Maybe some sort of indexing or tidying up operation id failing and timeing out ?
I can post an image of the actual (windows) folders, indicating files and file sizes if you consider it relevent.
Thanks again to everyone for previous ideas.
2285 folders - startup about 10 seconds , entirely acceptable
<p>Hello David,</p><p>Its a great pleasure to see your name on a recent reply concerning our shut-down problems. I have never had the opportunity to thank you personally for your excellent program Pegasus, which, as you may have understood, we have used for almost an entire decade.&nbsp; Well : Thanks David, you can be proud of your timeless effort for the IT community.&nbsp; Any form of apology concerning support is entirly unnecessary, we have only praise for your product, and support your efforts to keep Pegasus alive.
</p><p>To specifics: I think that you have fully understood my ORIGINAL posting, and further precision is unnecessary.&nbsp; When some well meaning contributers suggested that archiving in a tree structure was impossible, I admit to feeling rather surprised and dissapointed.</p><p>In the Data Recovery business we learn that nothing is impossible, some things just take a little longer, and often simple "thinking outside the box"</p><ol><li>Not knowing the exact purpose of all the files in the /mail/User catalog, we copied Everything from /mail/User to /mail/Archive.</li><li>We then determined that one file at the /mail/ level called "pmail.usr" was no less that a simple text document to which we added the row "A;Archive;Archive of logs and email" <span style="font-style: italic;">(ignore Swedish language please)</span></li><li><span style="font-style: italic;"></span>less that 5 minuits later, we started Pegasus, selected Archive and saw, to our great satisfaction, an entire, fully functioning archive of all our email to the present day. The data was in our original tree structure, as you probable realize.&nbsp; So much for "impossible.."</li><li>Shortly thereafter, we started the Original User account and started very severe surgery. Unfortunately, removing entire trees was not possible, but we concur that safety is better that speed and resulting human errors.&nbsp; An hour later we had a clean "current year user"
</li></ol><p>You are correct David. It wasn't the problem ( . . . I hope that every one is enjoying the saga) There are no close down filters as you suspected.
</p><p>The shutdown is still between 3 and 4 minutes AND MUST NOT BE DISTURBED. Pushing the soft power-down via power switch is most certainly NOT an option. &nbsp;</p><p>The archive, not surprisingly, still takes 3-4 minutes, but so does the slim-lined user.</p><p>Now for an interesting observation, my own 'private' email has a dedicated user /Tony/ containing several hundred mails. Shutdown time: instant, never a problem.&nbsp; Could spam halter be a factor ? Our company receives disproportionate amounts of unsolicited email, spam and virus payloads. Probably a large amount are initiated by compeditors since we have, to our knowledge, no disgruntled customers.</p><p>We have a rather large file called <a href="file:///D:/Pegasus%20Data/Pegasus/MAIL/TELENORD/words4.db3">words4.db3</a> about 94Mb; 25 or so PPM files from 40Mb to 90Mb and literally hundreds of smaller PPM files some as small as 7Kb.</p><p>Another observation; we have about ten empty folders that cannot be deleted, the message:</p><p style="font-weight: bold;">Tray is not empty, You have asked to delete a tray file which still contains folders.</p><p> However there are no folders or anything else in the file trays. Maybe some sort of indexing or&nbsp; tidying up operation id failing and timeing out ?</p><p>I can post an image of the actual (windows) folders, indicating files and file sizes if you consider it relevent.</p><p>Thanks again to everyone for previous ideas.
</p><p>/Tony</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><br style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
&nbsp; </p><p>&nbsp;2285 folders - startup about 10 seconds , entirely acceptable