Hey, Rolf, thanks a lot for answering.
I did not realise that the MX record order could be ignored.
We had locked down Mercury so that SMTP connections were only accepted from MessageLabs' IP addresses. However, because our staff use IMAP and they have dynamic addresses assigned by their ISP's for their home machines I opened it up again so they could authenticate and send mail. I'm going to lock it down again and update their IP addresses in Mercury as required.
This is the first email that has been delivered directly to our IP address. I guess we've been lucky that no more arrived.
Thanks again for the help.
<P>Hey, Rolf, thanks a lot for answering.</P>
<P>I did not realise that the MX record order could be ignored.</P>
<P>We had locked down Mercury so that SMTP connections were only accepted from MessageLabs' IP addresses. However, because our staff use IMAP and they have dynamic addresses assigned by their ISP's for their home machines I opened it up again so they could authenticate and send mail. I'm going to lock it down again and update their IP addresses in Mercury&nbsp;as required.</P>
<P>This is the first email that has been delivered directly to our IP address. I guess we've been lucky that no more arrived.</P>
<P>Thanks again for the help.</P>