For years I have put up with a sudden loss of line breaks which occurs at random while am typing a message. I am not sure whether it occurs if the message is being entered as a new message, but it definitely occurs if I am writing a reply to a message, (with the "Include (original) message in reply" turned on.) I normally position my cursor above the original message, insert a couple of carriage returns, and type my message. In the middle of this my screen will suddenly go blank. I discovered that I could get things back by pressing Cntl-J, at which point the whole thing is nicely reformatted, complete with line breaks, albeit broken in different places than originally, the loss of all other formatting (like underlines), and the original message jammed in immediately at the end of what I was typing. The carriage returns separating my reply from the original message disappear, and I end up with a solid block of text with everything jammed together. I eventually discovered that I can avoid having the original message get jammed into the new text by inserting at least 3 carriage returns between the new text and the original message. I still get the periodic blank screen, but I can retrieve it by pressing Cntl-J, and my new text comes back, with the original message still separated (and formatted as it was originally). It appears to me that what it is doing is putting everything into one huge great long line padded with blanks (presumably out to 1000 characters. which I believe is the default line length limit); I can get back to my original text when the screen goes blank by diligent backspacing until I bump into the end of the original message, at which point I appear to have a single long line of text. What am I doing (ie. what key(s) am I inadvertently hitting) which is causing this behaviour? And is there any way to "turn it off" ? (It does not appear to have any relation to the O/S, as it happened with XP and continues to happen with Win-7. Nor is it likely the hardware, as I have a new computer and it persists. {One remote possibility is that I am using the keyboard from my old computer, but I think the problem was happening long before I got my latest keyboard. And it is unique to Pegasus; it does not occur in any other program, and if it were hardware related I would expect that I would have problems with other programs)
I searched at length through the old posts, as I thought it must surely be a common problem, but can find no mention of anybody else having this issue. There is a thread about long lines in received messages, but nothing which sounds like my problem. Perhaps I am not looking under the appropriate key words(?)
<p>For years I have put up with a sudden loss of line breaks which occurs at random while am typing a message.&nbsp; I am not sure whether it occurs if the message is being entered as a new message, but it definitely occurs if I am writing a reply to a message, (with the "Include (original) message in reply" turned on.)&nbsp; I normally position my cursor above the original message, insert a couple of carriage returns, and type my message.&nbsp; In the middle of this my screen will suddenly go blank.&nbsp; I discovered that I could get things back by pressing Cntl-J, at which point the whole thing is nicely reformatted, complete with line breaks, albeit broken in different places than originally, the loss of all other formatting (like underlines), and the original message jammed in immediately at the end of what I was typing.&nbsp; The carriage returns separating my reply from the original message disappear, and I end up with a solid block of text with everything jammed together.&nbsp; I eventually discovered that I can avoid having the original message get jammed into the new text by inserting at least 3 carriage returns between the new text and the original message.&nbsp; I still get the periodic blank screen, but I can retrieve it by pressing Cntl-J, and my new text comes back, with the original message still separated (and formatted as it was originally).&nbsp; It appears to me that what it is doing is putting everything into one huge great long line padded with blanks (presumably out to 1000 characters. which I believe is the default line length limit); I can get back to my original text when the screen goes blank by diligent backspacing until I bump into the end of the original message, at which point I appear to have a single long line of text.&nbsp; What am I doing (ie. what key(s) am I inadvertently hitting) which is causing this behaviour? And is there any way to "turn it off" ?&nbsp; (It does not appear to have any relation to the O/S, as it happened with XP and continues to happen with Win-7. Nor is it likely the hardware, as I have a new computer and it persists. {One remote possibility is that I am using the keyboard from my old computer, but I think the problem was happening long before I got my latest keyboard.&nbsp; And it is unique to Pegasus; it does not occur in any other program, and if it were hardware related I would expect that I would have problems with other programs)</p><p>&nbsp;I searched&nbsp; at length through the old posts, as I thought it must surely be a common problem, but can find no mention of anybody else having this issue.&nbsp; There is a thread about long lines in received messages, but nothing which sounds like my problem.&nbsp; Perhaps I am not looking under the appropriate key words(?)