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Inserting a signature

Thanks, obviously nothing vague about it. For some reason I couldn't find it. All fixed!

Thanks, obviously nothing vague about it. For some reason I couldn't find it. All fixed!

I have just installed Pegasus for the first time but can't see any way to insert/install a signature. The signature instructions seem to be very vague. Can anyone help?

I have just installed Pegasus for the first time but can't see any way to insert/install a signature. The signature instructions seem to be very vague. Can anyone help?

[quote user="jasper7g"]The signature instructions seem to be very vague. Can anyone help?[/quote]

Go to Tools => Options => Signatures, and what's very vague about these?

<p>[quote user="jasper7g"]The signature instructions seem to be very vague. Can anyone help?[/quote]</p><p>Go to <em>Tools => Options => Signatures</em>, and what's <em>very vague</em> about these?</p>
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