The solution is very simple: in accordance with the RFCs the sending mailprogramm should place doublequotes around any dsiplayname where i.e. a character for adressing (comma, point, @, (, ), <, >, doublequote) is in (-> mask special characters). In addition every header must consist of 7bit-characters. Examples:
Olaf <email@domain>
Olaf Erkens <email@domain>
"Erkens, Olaf" <email@domain>
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Wei=DF?= <email@domain>
"=?iso-8859-1?Q?Dr._Ganz_Wei=DF?=" <email@domain>
So the answers:
1. not always
2. comma seperate mailadresses and must be masked as part of displayname
3. did'nt test that, because have no mailreader or even webmailer not putting doublequotes around any displayname; problem is IMHO, that missing doublequotes - if seen - todays are most times with due to non-ASCII encoded addressfields; the encoding doesn't AFAIK make quotation obsolete
4. If there is a comma, Pegasus will
bye Olaf
<p>The solution is very simple: in accordance with the RFCs the sending mailprogramm should place doublequotes around any dsiplayname where i.e. a character for adressing (comma, point, @, (, ), &lt;, &gt;, doublequote) is in (-&gt; mask special characters). In addition every header must consist of 7bit-characters. Examples: </p><blockquote><p>Olaf &lt;email@domain&gt;
Olaf Erkens &lt;email@domain&gt;
"Erkens, Olaf" &lt;email@domain&gt;
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Wei=DF?= &lt;email@domain&gt;
"=?iso-8859-1?Q?Dr._Ganz_Wei=DF?=" &lt;email@domain&gt;</p></blockquote><p>So the answers: </p><blockquote><p>1. not always
2. comma seperate mailadresses and must be masked as part of displayname
3. did'nt test that, because have no mailreader or even webmailer not putting doublequotes around any displayname; problem is IMHO, that missing doublequotes - if seen - todays are most times with due to non-ASCII encoded addressfields; the encoding doesn't AFAIK make quotation obsolete
4. If there is a comma, Pegasus will
</p></blockquote><p>&nbsp;bye&nbsp;&nbsp; Olaf</p><p>&nbsp;</p>