Our new owners like us to have a signature with some advertising in it which changes each month. The signature normally includes a block of text often with hyperlinks in with a picture at one end of the multi line block of text. I know this is not good practice and that we all find this kind of signature annoying but it is what they want us to do. And at least we are only including one message each month.
So far I have not found a way of setting up the signatures as they want them. Does anyone else have this problem and if so have you found a way to do it?
So far I have tried copy and paste from Open Office and Word, making and HTML file of the signature and trying to use that. I do not seem to be able to copy the text and picture together and end up having to paste the picture separately.
<p>Our new owners like us to have a signature with some advertising in it which changes each month. &nbsp;The signature normally includes a block of text often with hyperlinks in with a picture at one end of the multi line block of text. &nbsp;I know this is not good practice and that we all find this kind of signature annoying but it is what they want us to do. &nbsp;And at least we are only including one message each month.</p><p>&nbsp;So far I have not found a way of setting up the signatures as they want them. &nbsp;Does anyone else have this problem and if so have you found a way to do it?</p><p>&nbsp;So far I have tried copy and paste from Open Office and Word, making and HTML file of the signature and trying to use that. &nbsp;I do not seem to be able to copy the text and picture together and end up having to paste the picture&nbsp;separately.</p>