This is nitpicking indeed! And I apologise if this idea has been posted a hundred times already.
Adding a link to a message has come to take, almost universally, the format
(i. Find URL & copy to clipboard)
1. Type nickname for link
2. Select it
3. Click on "add link" button
4. Paste URL into mini-form that appears (many loci add HTTP//: etc., but have it pre-selected so paste or typing automatically overwrites; I like that, too)
5. Hit return
Now that I've gotten used to this system (as a sysop on Compuserve's Garden Forum I seem to need about 5 links per message) I've gotten to like it and often absentmindedly type the brilliantly comic name I've thought up into my Pegasus email message before I remember that isn't the way to do it here.
Then I have to erase the nickname and type it into the Pegasus "add link" form. Can't copy because that will overwrite the link I just hunted up and copied into the clipboard.
So I began to wonder if that would be a possible thing that could be in Pegasus (not calling it an improvement because I'm not sure what ratio of praise to gripes would be if such a change were made).
The bulletin board (etc.) way of type/select/click/paste doesn't break up the flow of writing so much, I think.
<p>This is nitpicking indeed! And I apologise if this idea has been posted a hundred times already.
</p><p>&nbsp;Adding a link to a message has come to take, almost universally, the format</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;(i. Find URL &amp; copy to clipboard)
</p><p>&nbsp;1. Type nickname for link</p><p>2. Select it</p><p>3. Click on "add link" button</p><p>&nbsp;4. Paste URL into mini-form that appears (many loci add HTTP//: etc., but have it pre-selected so paste or typing automatically overwrites; I like that, too) </p><p>5. Hit return </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Now that I've gotten used to this system (as a sysop on Compuserve's Garden Forum I seem to need about 5 links per message) I've gotten to like it and often absentmindedly type the brilliantly comic name I've thought up&nbsp; into my Pegasus email message before I remember that isn't the way to do it here. </p><p>&nbsp;Then I have to erase the nickname and type it into the Pegasus "add link" form. Can't copy because that will overwrite the link I just hunted up and copied into the clipboard. </p><p>&nbsp;So I began to wonder if that would be a possible thing that could be in Pegasus (not calling it an improvement because I'm not sure what ratio of praise to gripes would be if such a change were made).&nbsp;</p><p>The bulletin board (etc.) way of type/select/click/paste doesn't break up the flow of writing so much, I think.