This might help if you have lots of users to process.
It steps through the user folders, if there is a forward file it extracts the destination address and queues up any existing CNM's for delivery to that, then moves them out of the way.
Adjust the paths to suit.
(no warrantee etc. :))
@echo off
set queue=c:\mercury\queuetest
set store=c:\mercury\mailstore
cd %store%
for /f %%D in ('dir /a:d /b') do (
if exist %%D\FORWARD (
mkdir %%D\done
echo $$ %FROM%>> header.txt
for /f "delims=<> tokens=2" %%T in ('findstr /B "Forward-To:" %%D\FORWARD') do echo T %%T>> header.txt
echo.>> header.txt
for %%a in (%%D\*.cnm) do (
copy /A header.txt + %%a %queue%\%%~na.101
move %%a %%D\done
del header.txt