[quote user="NTxLS"]
OK, folks, my sig has my system and version #s.
I have my Tools/Options/Out Going Mail/Messages and Replies/Special settings applying to replies only. The four boxes are checked yet the sig ends at the bottom of any and all quoted messages not at the end of my fresh entry to a reply.
From the help:
[quote]If also inserting a signature, insert it just below the blank line This option will become available when "...place the cursor on an initial blank line" is enabled. If this option is checked and the "Add this variant of the default signature upon message creation" option in your Signatures preferences is also enabled, then your signature will be inserted at the top of the message, just below the point where you type your reply, but above the text of the original message. This practice is known as top posting in Internet-speak, and may be considered unacceptable on some more traditional mailing lists.[/quote]
What have you set in Options / Signatures ?
[quote user="NTxLS"]
<P>OK, folks, my sig has my system and version #s.</P>
<P>I have my Tools/Options/Out Going Mail/Messages and Replies/Special settings applying to replies only.&nbsp; The four boxes are checked yet the sig ends at the bottom of any and all quoted messages not at the end of my fresh entry to a reply.
<P>From the help:</P>
<P>[quote]<SPAN lang=EN><EM>If also inserting a signature, insert it just below the blank line</EM><FONT size=2><EM>&nbsp; </EM>This option will become available when "...place the cursor on an initial blank line" is enabled. If this option is checked and the "Add this variant of the default signature upon message creation" option in your <I>Signatures</I> preferences is also enabled, then your signature will be inserted at the top of the message, just below the point where you type your reply, but above the text of the original message. This practice is known as <I>top posting</I> in Internet-speak, and may be considered unacceptable on some more traditional mailing lists.[/quote]</FONT></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN lang=EN><FONT size=2>What have you set in Options / Signatures ?</P></FONT></SPAN>