If you have a "good" NOT SPAM, do this: Highlight it, right click, then point to Spamhalter classification, and select Train message as NOT SPAM. Then while it's highlighted, go to Tools, and point down the list to Spam and content controls, then click on Global Whitelist to save the email address, so in the future those emails will be recognized as NOT SPAM.
<p mce_keep="true">&nbsp;</p><p>If you have a "good" NOT SPAM, do this:&nbsp; Highlight it, right click, then point to Spamhalter classification, and select Train message as NOT SPAM.&nbsp; Then while it's highlighted, go to Tools, and point down the list to Spam and content controls, then&nbsp;click on Global Whitelist to save the email address, so in the future those emails will be recognized as NOT SPAM.&nbsp;</p>