Can be downloaded from:
vCalendar meeting invitations are displayed in a sensible way, and the opportunity to respond to the invitation request is hyperlinked for easy responses.
This offering is still in development and any problems or suggestions are very welcome
Get an error in Windows 7 64 bit inside and outside Pegasus 4.63 while opening a file x.ics
Make sure you have associated .ics files with PMICAL. Inside of Pegasus Mail you create the entry in Tools/Options/Incoming Mail\Content Viewers as per the .txt file that came with PMICAL. Inside of Windows 7 you would do it via Start/Default Programs/"Associate a file type or protocol with a program".
If this doesn't help please provide specific information about the error message you are receiving.
Access violation errors are caused by a second app trying to use a RAM address that is in use by another app or the OS. A web search on "access violation" provides several hits about how to resolve so that my be worth a try. Otherwise I don't have any other suggestions.
Did you get past the access violation error or do you receive the access violation error only on some .ics files?
I haven't come across any .ics files the PMICAL wouldn't open but I don't receive many .ics files so have only used it maybe 5 times.
Sorry to all testers of PMIcal but I have been on vacation. For those who want to dig further, please setup up a file, pmical.log in your Newmail directory, using Notepad.
Crashes and other strange behavior should get trapped and logged.
PMIcal 1.11 now available on Community at: fixes Access Violation messages due to large number of meeting attendees.
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