Hmm - outside your domain - you are shure we are talking about distributionlists as known to Pegasus ... or do you talk about mailinglists?
A distributionlist within Pegasus is only accessable for those within your network, who have access to the distributionlistfile. It is only an function of Pegasus, usually not available to the internet.
A mailinglist may be configured to set header "reply-to" to the mailaddress of the mailinglist.
But in both cases: if the one answering has configured his mailclient to answer only to FROM (ignoring any other field like REPLY-TO, TO, CC) or (i.e. with thunderbird) clicks on "Answer" instead on "Answer list", this is simply a misshandling by the user of that mailclient. If he uses Pegasus, in my opinion best selection in answering dialog is to only select "Reply-To". If REPLY-TO is not set, Pegasus will automatically use FROM for answering.
<p>Hmm - outside your domain - you are shure we are talking about distributionlists as known to Pegasus ... or do you talk about mailinglists?</p><p>A distributionlist within Pegasus is only accessable for those within your network, who have access to the distributionlistfile. It is only an function of Pegasus, usually not available to the internet.</p><p>A mailinglist may be configured to set header "reply-to" to the mailaddress of the mailinglist.</p><p>But in both cases: if the one answering has configured his mailclient to answer only to FROM (ignoring any other field like REPLY-TO, TO, CC) or (i.e. with thunderbird) clicks on "Answer" instead on "Answer list", this is simply a misshandling by the user of that mailclient. If he uses Pegasus, in my opinion best selection in answering dialog is to only select "Reply-To". If REPLY-TO is not set, Pegasus will automatically use FROM for answering.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>