For a conference with our non-profit, I made several distribution lists with addresses sorted by country or country clusters, keeping the number of addresses below 60. Wednesday started sending out mailings with automatic copy to self. During one mailing, things seem to go wrong and transmission might have been weak or interrupted (from our house we use a small antenna set-up to the next house, from there by cable to the main town antenna. Weather was bad: windy with snow. PMail gave an error message on one or two addresses in that list, which I removed. It seemed the mailing had not gone out at all because PMail indicated that there was one message waiting to be sent. I did send the queued message (of that mailing) again. Our hosting company today told me that message has been sent out three times.
Another mailing to Australia seemed to go out OK, but when checking with our hosting company, it turned out that that mailing had been sent out FOUR times. I had not noticed anything and - as said - that mailing seemed to have been gone out normal.
The mailing to the UK seemed to have gone out normal as well, and til now the hosting company has not seen anything wrong there in a quick glance, but two UK people got the mailing four times as well (they mentioned it, that's why I started looking).
Anything like that happened before and any idea what might have gone wrong??
Thanks, Robert
<p>For a conference with our non-profit, I made several distribution lists with addresses sorted by country or country clusters, keeping the number of addresses below 60. Wednesday started sending out mailings with automatic copy to self. During one mailing, things seem to go wrong and transmission might have been weak or interrupted (from our house we use a small antenna set-up to the next house, from there by cable to the main town antenna. Weather was bad: windy with snow. PMail gave an error message on one or two addresses in that list, which I removed. It seemed the mailing had not gone out at all because PMail indicated that there was one message waiting to be sent. I did send the queued message (of that mailing) again. Our hosting company today told me that message has been sent out three times.
</p><p>Another mailing to Australia seemed to go out OK, but when checking with our hosting company, it turned out that that mailing had been sent out FOUR times. I had not noticed anything and - as said - that mailing seemed to have been gone out normal.&nbsp; </p><p>The mailing to the UK seemed to have gone out normal as well, and til now the hosting company has not seen anything wrong there in a quick glance, but two UK people got the mailing four times as well (they mentioned it, that's why I started looking).&nbsp;</p><p>Anything like that happened before and any idea what might have gone wrong??
</p><p>Thanks, Robert