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334 451 4.3.2 Internal server error (#OCF014)?

This is what I have suspected all along, my main problem is with the ISP, they are TOOOOO big for their own good and a bit if not over AARROOGGAANNTT AND Conceded, they think they can do NOT wrong, I feel they can do NO RITE. NO, will not change to another ISP, too much else need be changed as well and knowing this means it is only a bump in the road. Just ignore this and move on with my next issue, some day Yahoo! will realize their problem.

This is what I have suspected all along, my main problem is with the ISP, they are TOOOOO big for their own good and a bit if not over <b>AARROOGGAANNTT</b> AND Conceded, they think they can do NOT wrong, I feel they can do <b>NO RITE</b>. NO, will not change to another ISP, too much else need be changed as well and knowing this means it is only a bump in the road. Just ignore this and move on with my next issue, some day Yahoo! will realize their problem.

Can anyone translate this into 'user understandability?' The following is what has come back to me three(3) times on a message that is a reply to a person that is in my addybook. The below is the ERROR message that comes back with that message:

"Delivery has failed on the enclosed message for the following
reasons reported either by the mail delivery system on the mail
relay host or by the local TCP/IP transport module:

   334 451 4.3.2 Internal server error (#OCF014)"

From what I  understand is this is on a server on my ISP without any HELP knowing what is wrong.

<p>Can anyone translate this into 'user understandability?' The following is what has come back to me three(3) times on a message that is a reply to a person that is in my addybook. The below is the ERROR message that comes back with that message:</p><p>"Delivery has failed on the enclosed message for the following reasons reported either by the mail delivery system on the mail relay host or by the local TCP/IP transport module:    334 451 4.3.2 Internal server error (#OCF014)"</p><p>From what <b>I</b>  understand is this is on a server on my ISP without any HELP knowing what is wrong. </p>

Are you able to send any mail at all and is this only happening after updating to pegasus 4.7

Are you able to send any mail at all and is this only happening after updating to pegasus 4.7


Thank you for this reply. To answer the first part of your question; YES, with little difficulty, for the other part, as within my signature am NOT on Peagsus Mail v4.7 on 4.6.3 and have been for several years.

This is not a continuous issue. Some times it will happen several times in one day then may not happen again for weeks. My mail goes out most of the time, some are requeued to be sent later because the ISP's mail transport system has refused my access, then if I open the Menu Bar/Files/View Queued Messages some times they are already sent and another may show one that was rejected and I just send it from there.

This is not new to me, has been going on for several years. Have called my ISP even emailed them and they tell me there is not an issue with their system, which I do not believe. 

As I stated in the start of this message, THANK YOU for this . . and reading my original message.

<p>jBanks,</p><p>Thank you for this reply. To answer the first part of your question; YES, with little difficulty, for the other part, as within my signature am NOT on Peagsus Mail v4.7 on 4.6.3 and have been for several years.</p><p>This is not a continuous issue. Some times it will happen several times in one day then may not happen again for weeks. My mail goes out most of the time, some are requeued to be sent later because the ISP's mail transport system has refused my access, then if I open the Menu Bar/Files/View Queued Messages some times they are already sent and another may show one that was rejected and I just send it from there.</p><p>This is not new to me, has been going on for several years. Have called my ISP even emailed them and they tell me there is not an issue with their system, which I do not believe. </p><p>As I stated in the start of this message, THANK YOU for this . . and reading my original message. </p>

Are you trying to send out messages with large attachments?  If so you could just be seeing timeouts. Check the SMTP setup under Internet Options and check the timeout value. I would suggest at least 180 seconds.  That might explain the semi-random occurences.


<p>Are you trying to send out messages with large attachments?  If so you could just be seeing timeouts. Check the SMTP setup under Internet Options and check the timeout value. I would suggest at least 180 seconds.  That might explain the semi-random occurences.</p><p>Martin </p>


 Thank you for this suggestion, have done just that before getting to this. Never even thought of that issue. It may take awhile to see if this is the solution, but; think it just may be the one(1).


<p>"Martin,"</p><p> Thank you for this suggestion, have done just that before getting to this. Never even thought of that issue. It may take awhile to see if this is the solution, but; think it just may be the one(1).</p><p> </p>

"Mr. Martin,"

It just happened again with two(2) messages back to back one is very short. 

 Just checked the returned messages from the 'Mail Delivery System' with the same codes of this thread subject line and there is a portion of a previous e-mail that went out AOK but some of the message is in the bottom of these other two(2) messages I had just sent. STRANGE . .

I went to the 'Copies to Self' and did a 'Resend' of my two(2) messages and they went just fine . . 

<p>"Mr. Martin,"</p><p>It just happened again with two(2) messages back to back one is very short.  </p><p> Just checked the returned messages from the 'Mail Delivery System' with the same codes of this thread subject line and there is a portion of a previous e-mail that went out AOK but some of the message is in the bottom of these other two(2) messages I had just sent. STRANGE . .</p><p>I went to the 'Copies to Self' and did a 'Resend' of my two(2) messages and they went just fine . .  </p>

"Mr. Martin,"

That suggestion was good but did not do the trick. It is still happening.  Have even sent the Time Out for Network Connection to 240sec. Still happening even on short messages without any attachments.

<p>"Mr. Martin,"</p><p>That suggestion was good but did not do the trick. It is still happening.  Have even sent the Time Out for Network Connection to 240sec. Still happening even on short messages without any attachments. </p>

Greetings from The GREAT REPUBLIC of TEXAS,

I am NO longer concerned about this code nor why it is happening. If I just go on without worry and resend my messages a few seconds later or more maybe even 5 - 10 minutes later they will go. I feel this is an issue with my ISP and they will not address this as a problem. I keep getting messages my user/password is not valid and I need to change them. Well guess what? Same thing goes on as mentioned in my second sentence of this report, "'O'-Well" guess they will never solve this issue.

 My system is still functioning normally and NO changes have been made.

Thank you MUCHLY for the suggestions . . just cannot get the correct people to do their work. Every one that has suggested things are doing a "GREAT" job.



<p>Greetings from The GREAT REPUBLIC of TEXAS,</p><p>I am NO longer concerned about this code nor why it is happening. If I just go on without worry and resend my messages a few seconds later or more maybe even 5 - 10 minutes later they will go. I feel this is an issue with my ISP and they will not address this as a problem. I keep getting messages my user/password is not valid and I need to change them. Well guess what? Same thing goes on as mentioned in my second sentence of this report, "'O'-Well" guess they will never solve this issue. </p><p> My system is still functioning normally and NO changes have been made.</p><p>Thank you MUCHLY for the suggestions . . just cannot get the correct people to do their work. Every one that has suggested things are doing a "GREAT" job.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

The error code is, as shown, an internal server error. Your ISP's reluctance to address this or to even acknowledge that it is an issue suggests they do not value your custom, or they are simply too lazy.

I'd switch to another ISP that prides itself enough to provide a service and which is interested in providing quality support to its customers.

<p>The error code is, as shown, an internal server error. Your ISP's reluctance to address this or to even acknowledge that it is an issue suggests they do not value your custom, or they are simply too lazy.</p><p>I'd switch to another ISP that prides itself enough to provide a service and which is interested in providing quality support to its customers.</p>
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