Just upgraded to 4.70
With 4.63, when the spell check was complete, one of the options was "Don't Send." (I think this was added in 4.63 as an enhancement over earlier versions.)
I don't see how to do that in 4.70. Am I missing something or is it missing?
Any chance it might come back? (I loved that feature when I noticed a mistake in an email that shouldn't be sent!!!)
<p>Just upgraded to 4.70</p><p>With 4.63, when the spell check was complete, one of the options was "Don't Send." (I think this was added in 4.63 as an enhancement over earlier versions.)</p><p>I don't see how to do that in 4.70.&nbsp; Am I missing something or is it missing? </p><p>Any chance it might come back? (I loved that feature when I noticed a mistake in an email that shouldn't be sent!!!)