Known failure in V4.70. Use drag and drop which does work.
can drag messages from any folder window to any addressbook (even
minimized) and Pegasus Mail will create an addressbook entry based on
the information in the message."
Problem is on the list and mayget fixed for the v4.71 release which is already planned to address
some other issues including one or two with new spelling checker.
<p><a href="/forums/thread/40978.aspx" mce_href="/forums/thread/40978.aspx">Répondu ici : </a></p><p>Known failure in V4.70. Use drag and drop which does work.</p><p>"You
can drag messages from any folder window to any addressbook (even
minimized) and Pegasus Mail will create an addressbook entry based on
the information in the message." </p>Problem is on the list and may
get fixed for the v4.71 release which is already planned to address
some&nbsp; other issues including one or two with new spelling checker. <p>&nbsp;</p>