I think the problem are your email-settings.
Incoming Mail (POP) Server - Requires SSL
- Server - pop.mail.yahoo.com
- Port - 995
- Requires SSL - Yes
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - Requires TLS
- Server - smtp.mail.yahoo.com
- Port - 465 or 587
- Requires SSL - Yes
- Requires authentication - Yes
If your POP client doesn't offer TLS, you'll still be able to use SSL.
Login info - Requires authentication
- Email address - Your full email address (name@domain.com.)
- Password - Your account's password.
For additional assistance, or complete instructions on setting up
POP, review the help pages for your email client or mobile device.
<p>I think the problem are your email-settings. </p><p>[QUOTE]
</p><strong>Incoming Mail (POP) Server - Requires <a href="https://uk.help.yahoo.com/kb/pop-server-settings-sln4724.html#" class="ttText">SSL<span class="ttOverlay"></span></a></strong>
<ul><li><strong>Server </strong>- <em>pop.mail.yahoo.com</em></li><li><strong>Port </strong>- <em>995</em></li><li><strong>Requires SSL</strong> - <em>Yes</em></li></ul>
<p><strong>Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - Requires <a href="https://uk.help.yahoo.com/kb/pop-server-settings-sln4724.html#" class="ttText">TLS<span class="ttOverlay"></span></a></strong></p>
<ul><li><strong>Server</strong><em> - smtp.mail.yahoo.com</em></li><li><strong>Port </strong>- <em>465 </em>or <em>587</em></li><li><strong>Requires SSL</strong> - <em>Yes</em></li><li><strong>Requires authentication</strong> - <em>Yes</em></li></ul>
<p>If your POP&nbsp;client doesn't offer TLS, you'll still be able to use SSL.</p>
<p><strong>Login info - Requires authentication</strong></p>
<ul><li><strong>Email address </strong>- Your full email address (name@domain.com.)</li><li><strong>Password </strong>- Your account's password.</li></ul>
<p>For additional assistance, or complete instructions on setting up
POP, review the help pages for your email client or mobile device.</p><p>[/QUOTE]