[quote user="Edmachine"]
I use MercuryE
I get
220 Admin ESMTP server ready
So you have an easier way to understand what I say, I will copy some parts of Mercury.ini file :).
Should have provided the [Domains] section with the actual data since this is where many people go wrong.
Scratch : C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury
Timeout : 30
Poll : 30
Session_logging : C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\logfiletxt.txt
Session logging is a directory only.
Session_logmode : 1
HELO : Administrator
This should be the host name associated with the IP address of the local system. Normally this is left blank so the "Internet name for this system" entered under mercury core will be used.
Poll : 10
Timeout : 60
Nameservers : localhost
The nameservers must be the IP addresses associated with the DNS host. If the DNS host is in fact localhost then use the actual ip address of the system or
Log_Verbose : 0
DNS_Timeout : 20
DNS_Retries : 4
Transcripts : 1
MaxThreads : 10
Scratch : C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury
Normally c:\xampp\mercurymail\scratch to keep from cluttering up a real directory.
Timeout : 30
Poll : 30
Session_logging : C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\logfiletxt.txt
Session logging is a directory only.
Session_logmode : 1
Debug : 1
HELO : admin
Again, should be blank of a host name.
Timeout : 30
Relay : 1
Strict_Relay : 0
Strict should be set as well.
Allow_Illegals : 1
SMTP_Authentication : 0
Compliance_Settings : 0
Maximum_Failed_Rcpts : 4
Max_Relay_Attempts : 4
SSL_Mode : 0
SSL_Certfile : C:\xampp\certificateSMTP.txt
ST_Blacklisting : 0
No_VRFY : 0
I don't know if it helps...
[quote user="Edmachine"]<p>I use MercuryE</p><p>I get</p><p>220 Admin ESMTP server ready</p><p>So you have an easier way to understand what I say, I will copy some parts of Mercury.ini file :).</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><b>Should have provided the [Domains] section with the actual data since this is where many people go wrong.</b></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;[MercuryD]
Scratch : C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury
Timeout : 30
Poll : 30
Session_logging : C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\logfiletxt.txt</p><p><b>Session logging is a directory only.</b></p><p><b></b>
Session_logmode : 1</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;[MercuryE]
HELO : Administrator</p><p><b>This should be the host name associated with the IP address of the local system.&nbsp; Normally this is left blank so the "Internet name for this system" entered under mercury core will be used.</b></p><p>
Poll : 10
Timeout : 60
Nameservers : localhost</p><p><b>The nameservers must be the IP addresses associated with the DNS host.&nbsp; If the DNS host is in fact localhost then use the actual ip address of the system or</b></p><p>&nbsp;
Log_Verbose : 0
DNS_Timeout : 20
DNS_Retries : 4
Transcripts : 1
MaxThreads : 10</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;[MercuryD]
Scratch : C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury</p><p><b>Normally c:\xampp\mercurymail\scratch to keep from cluttering up a real directory.</b></p><p>
Timeout : 30
Poll : 30
Session_logging : C:\xampp\MERCURYMAIL\Mercury\logfiletxt.txt</p><p><b>Session logging is a directory only.</b></p><p>
Session_logmode : 1</p><p>&nbsp;[MercuryS]
Debug : 1
HELO : admin</p><p><b>Again, should be blank of a host name.</b>
Timeout : 30
Relay : 1
Strict_Relay : 0</p><p><b>Strict should be set as well.</b>
Allow_Illegals : 1
SMTP_Authentication : 0
Compliance_Settings : 0
Maximum_Failed_Rcpts : 4
Max_Relay_Attempts : 4
SSL_Mode : 0
SSL_Certfile : C:\xampp\certificateSMTP.txt
ST_Blacklisting : 0
No_VRFY : 0</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I don't know if it helps...&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>[/quote]