We currently have two installations of Pegasus Mail on our network on two servers. There are also two installations of Mercury on the same servers.
Together they handle mail for three domains.
We have just one public IP address. So, what I do is have the mail for all domains delivered to one server (which is configured to handle mail
for @first.com and @second.com). The second server (which handles mail for @third.com) uses POP3 to get mail for @third.com from the
@first.com mercury installation. We use a synonyms file on the first server to identify local user accounts with their respective @first.com
and @second.com accounts.
We've hardly used the second server, but with a domain name change coming up I have to ensure that mail from the new domain name which will
be @third.com will be sent from a server that identifies itself as third.com.
Is this the best way to do this? Am I making it too difficult?
If anyone can a suggest a better way of doing this please post.
<P>We currently&nbsp;have two&nbsp;installations of Pegasus Mail on our network on two servers. There are also two installations of Mercury on the same servers.</P>
<P>Together they handle mail for three domains.</P>
<P>We have just one public&nbsp;IP address. So, what I do is have&nbsp;the mail for&nbsp;all domains delivered to one server (which is configured to handle mail
for @first.com and @second.com). The second server (which handles mail for @third.com)&nbsp;uses POP3 to get mail for @third.com from the
@first.com mercury installation. We use a synonyms file on&nbsp;the first server to identify local user accounts with their respective @first.com
and @second.com accounts.</P>
<P>We've&nbsp;hardly used the second server, but with a domain name change coming up I have to ensure that mail from the new domain name which will
be @third.com will be sent from a server that identifies itself as third.com.</P>
<P mce_keep="true">&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<IMG title="Mercury setup" style="HEIGHT: 819px; WIDTH: 857px" border=1 alt="Mercury setup" src="http://img537.imageshack.us/img537/3994/l2Qja3.jpg" width=857 height=819 mce_src="http://img537.imageshack.us/img537/3994/l2Qja3.jpg"></P>
<P>Is this the best way to do this? Am I making it too difficult?</P>
<P>If anyone can a suggest a better way of doing this&nbsp;please post.</P>