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Now I did install on another PC (Pentium 4, 2.6 Ghz,

also with a Gigabit speed Network card) with also Windows Vista

Ultimate with the data (Mail) on the standalone server Synology.
After retrieving messages I see immediately SAME problem as before.
This PC is very slow when there are messages bigger then 0.5 mb, deleten about 15 messages takes about 30 seconds.
Last August this PC had a Windows XP Professional installation with the

data (Mail) on the standalone server Synology, this was working fine

for the last few years.

Also tested:

Via my notebook with Windows XP Professional with the (Mail) on the standalone server Synology.
No problem at all.

Next test:

I did test now with the data on one of my harddisk inside the PC, so the program AND the data (Mail) are on the harddisk.

far, it looks okay, sometimes in preview mode the Pegasus program makes

the screen blinking a little when it are large messages, like HTML with

pictures, like Pegasus had trouble to show me the message.

Next test:


on a USB stick, after that my USB stick was not reachable and "not

responding" I lost a lot of empty folders, after this I did stop the


Temporally (carefully) conclusion:

The combination Pegasus / Windows Vista Ultimate / Synology Server Network drive is not working correct.
More data is saved on my Synology Server network drive, like Word documents, databases used by a Book program and DVD program.
My Mozilla Firefox profile is also on this Synology Server Network drive and reachable from my different PC's.


made a lot of test in advice of the SysOP from, he did

advice me to place an article here in the Community site.

akfish posted Dec 27 '07 at 7:47 pm

Thank you all for your advice. Thomas' work around worked quite well. Your support is much appreciated and keeps Pegasus alive! Happy Holidays.

DonPedro posted Dec 31 '07 at 7:29 pm


thank you for your in-depth answer. problem seems to be solved, my provider told me they had fixed somehting related to spam .....


Casteele posted Dec 23 '07 at 11:44 am

This really isn't a "support" issue, but..

Personally, I find that annoying and turn the option off in those editors that do it! (I like to just type, then spell-check the whole document at once when I'm done. Constantly correcting while I type breaks my train of thought.) Anyhow, unless PMail does this in the future.. You could also edit/compose mail in your favourite editor that does everything you want, then copy/paste, import, or whatever, the final version into PMail for delivery. (Again, I already do that.. Even on these boards, I rarely compose directly in the browser editor, just notepad then copy/paste into the browser..)


lhhesscpa posted Dec 25 '07 at 11:10 pm

After reindexing all messages between 2 specific dates are no longer visible; and, all after a certain date are visible but now have erroneous dates. None of the DOS message files seem to have been deleted, however.

Casteele posted Dec 23 '07 at 10:37 am

Yes, you can extract an attachment to a file, which could be a network share.

Likewise, you could have more than one action processed per message--but not per rule line. That is.. Say you want to do five things if a mail matches a certain "From:" address. What you would do is create a rule that matches the "From:" line, then invert/negate it (so it has the opposite effect; It triggers only if the message does NOT match the "From:" line.) The action to this rule would then be a "Goto" (jump) to another rule which is really a label futher down in your ruleset--and skips over the five actions you want to perform. Then, put the actions you want to perform as "always" triggers, each with an action you want to do. (Remember, certain actions, such as moving a message, automatically end the rules processing--There's no point processing further if you've moved or deleted the message!)

I.E., Do something like this (This is not proper PMail rule scripting, which the rules editor hides from casual eyes anyhow.. but this should be enough to give you an idea of the logic used..):

# Other rules here...
NOT If "From" Equals Then Goto NotThePresident
Always Do Something
Always Do SomethingElse
Always Move Message To "Worthless Junk" Folder
# Rules will exit here since message was moved..
Label NotThePresident
# Other rules here...

Another alternative is you can set up rules in blocks which act like proceedures:

# Start processing..
If SomeMatchRule Then Call ProcOne
If SomeMatchRule Then Call ProcTwo
Exit Ruleset
# Done.. Proceedures follow:
Label ProcOne
Return From Call
# -
Label ProcTwo
Return From Call

Still other alternatives allow you to do things like "Skip Next Rule", which may be a Goto, Call, or something else that changes the flow of logic through your ruleset to create the effect you want. (Try doing something like that in Outlook--PMail ROCKS!)


C. M.



[quote user="Casteele"]


Because of that, and the human limitation (how on earth can you manage to even look at a folder with 60,000 messages and not want to run around blowing things up!?), maybe you should break the folder down into sub-folders? A common scheme I use is to create filing trays, such as "9-Archives", each with sub-trays like "9-2007", which again have sub-trays like "9-2007-01", "9-2007-02", etc. Basically, the "9" is the digit I use to identify my archives.. then they're grouped by year ("2007"), then once more by month ("01", "02", etc.)

Of course, this results in many more folders on your hard disk. However, most filesystems are better at handling medium sized files than very small or very large files. Likewise, searching, sorting and filtering individual, or even multiple medium sized files goes a lot faster than it would with many small or large files. It's an age-old trade-off in computing; Balancing number of "nodes" vs. the size of each "node" to obtain the optimum configuration.


C. M.


I concur.  Files occasionally get corrupted -- Pegasus email folders seem  unusually susceptible to this.  Re-indexing often does not solve the problem, and copying emails to a new folder usually fails as well when this happens.

 Keeping a large number of emails in a single folder (and 60,000 is an extremely large number!) is just foolhardy, IMHO. The OP is courting disaster here!

dilberts_left_nut posted Dec 19 '07 at 1:56 am

Multiple IMAP connections to the same account are indeed possible and I do it regularly.

I find that messages can be 'marked as deleted' but not expunged while there is more than 1 connection.

Also I have noticed some (infrequent) CLIENT SIDE cache mismatches (with Outlook & Thunderbird) requiring clearing the cache / reindexing on the client, however this also occurs sometimes on exclusive mailboxes.

I don't use Pegasus as a regular client but recall from the documentation somewhere that Pegasus (in file access mode) REQUIRES exclusive access to the user mail dir. (with warnings of dire consequences [:O] )

For IMAP connections, mailbox.lck is created in the users mail dir to indicate an active connection, however I do not know how/if this is used with Pegasus in file mode.

chriscw posted Dec 18 '07 at 11:18 am

I presume you know about using Tools->Options->Incoming Mail->Content Viewers to set up helper applications that will be used if you choose to Open an attachment in Pegasus, if you set up the appropriate media player for each sound file type it should be possible to play them directly from the attachments page.   Always of course noting the security issue and not playing attachments if you do not know where they are from.

box11 posted Dec 14 '07 at 2:16 pm

Mercury for Windows 

I use transaction-level filtering (transflt.mer) extensively to refuse spam mails. Since this works at the transport level, I am concerned about the software stability risks.

Is there any limit to the number / size of statements in transflt.mer at which time the mail server may crash or become unstable? For instance, can Mercury process a 1,000 statements (per mail, worst-case scenario) in transflt.mer and still manage a few hundred emails per hour?


Casteele posted Dec 23 '07 at 1:18 pm

[quote user="mkskchun"]

Okay, that makes sense.  Now, we were able to print the duplicate emails, both have identical body and subject line.  From one email, the "to:" and "Copies to:" both have each recipient's email address twice, also, there is an unknown email address added there only once.  On the second email, each "To:" and "Copies to:" only have the recipients once. 


Email 1: To: Unkown email address, 1a, 1a  Copies To: 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1b, 1e, 1d, 1c

Email 2: To: 1a Copies To: 1f, 1b, 1e, 1d, 1c

Where a= person 1, b= person 2, .... & in that order




First, is it "Copies To:" or "Copies-To:"? IIRC, mail header tags cannot have a space in them, and if you've got something set up to add such a header (such as custom headers), it may be messing things up. There are also options to add other special headers, like Reply-To:, etc. However, for the most part, other than making sure they are valid, mailservers don't pay much attention to the "To:", "From: and other such lines in the mail message. When you send a message, the mail client action actually creates an "envelope" that contains the real from and to data, that looks something like this:

>> 220 ESMTP

<< EHLO [mycomputername]


... (protocol negotiations go here) ...


>> 250 ok

<< RCPT TO:<>

>> 250 ok


>> 354 go ahead

<< From: "Ha-ha, fooled you!" <>

<< To: "And again!" <>

<< Subject: All the headers in this mail are faked!


<< (The body follows a single blank line separating it from the headers..)

<< But the mailserver does not care about the From: or To: headers, it gets delivery information from the "MAIL FROM" and "RCPT TO" lines

<< which were sent before sending the mail headers and body. And those are the addresses the mail is really from and to. the rest are ignored.

<< (And a single "." on a line by itself tells the mailserver the message is done..)

<< .

>> 250 ok

<< quit

>> 221

The thing to understand here is that the From:, To:, Cc:, Copies-To:, and just about every other header is pretty much ignored (there are a few that are not, and most are only checked for valid syntax and such). So if you're receiving duplicate mails, either the server is misconfigured (accidentally or intentionally..), or you have something in your setup that is causing PMail to send multiple "RCPT TO:" lines (and notice that unlike mail headers, the envelope tags DO have spaces in them). You'll need to find out which..

Try this: In your PMail Internet Options, checkmark the box that creates session logs (for debug purposes). Then send a test mail. Then, in your PMail user data folder, it should create a file like "TCP0001.WPM" which is simply a text file log, that you can open in notepad or something, of the transaction between PMail and your mailserver, and will look somewhat like the fake transaction I made above. Armed with the info in this transaction logfile, you can look at what PMail is actually sending the mailserver, including the envelope and unmodified mail headers, and see if they provide a clue what is going on.

If all looks well, and there's only one "RCPT TO" to the person getting double, then the mailserver is (in protocol violation) adding a second one on its own. (This could be a bug, or it could be an indication someone set up a snoop server between you and your real email server..)

If that doesn't help you figure it out, edit the log a little to remove any extraneous info and private info/passwords, etc, and post the log here. (When editing things like email addresses, replace them with stuff like or something.. 1a, 1b, 1c and stuff looks confusing.. and worse, in some environments, those ARE valid addresses. We'll need to see exactly which form of addresses are being used..)

C. M.

Han vd Bogaerde posted Dec 16 '07 at 8:01 pm

[quote user="Linda Boucher"]


my hubby  was playing around with olympus  master tyring to figer out  why we couldnt send

picture by E-email  from  there.and he didnt know what he did  but after we couldnt  get pegasus ant more

every time we click on pegasus  a file came up  saying you will have to download  another copy

i did this but all my  E-mails address  i had  is  gone and so is all the E-mails i had saves.

my hubby says trere still on the computer  somewhere  but we are new to computer  so

if they are still on the computer  could someone tell me how to find them





Go start -> Search (or find) and enter pmail.cfg in the filename box. make sure Search subdirectories is set. The directory that pop's up is the directory where Pegasus Mail is stored. 

Doubleclick the file winpm-32.exe and it will launch Pegasus Mail. Now you have acces to the files and folders.


irelam posted Dec 13 '07 at 7:49 pm

Delete them.   They are temporary files, normally associated with preparing attachments.


angussf posted Dec 12 '07 at 2:59 pm

[quote user="Tena"]

 Just today when trying to send email I started receiving this message, I contacted my IP and they say that I need a code to correct this?

Delivery has failed on the enclosed message for the following reasons reported either by

the mail delivery system on the mail relay host or by the local TCP/IP transport module:

550 Authentication required







Try checking the "Do a POP3 Check First" option on the Security tab of Tools => Internet Options -> Sending (SMTP). 

xplatform12 posted Dec 12 '07 at 4:46 pm

It appears as if the printer driver was the issue. I had recently installed a network printer driver as my default. I changed my default printer to another printer and the problem is resolved.

Thanks for your help...


Do you have GrayWall?  This should help.

Files: GrayWall 1.0 Documentation
"Graywall is a program that adds a graylist (or greylist) feature to the Mercury/32 SMTP server. It uses the Mercury/32 API facility that has been introduced in version 4.51. You must have at least this version of Mercury/32 to run Graywall!"

Ravi posted Dec 25 '07 at 8:47 am

[quote user="Casteele"]

[quote user="Ravi"]I am of the "email is text only" school and have always had HTML, Rich Text, and other options turned off.[/quote]

heh, so am I, though I do have such options still turned on.. but my example was just an example. Years of working as a consultant has proven to me many times that bugs mostly occur in places you don't think to look for them..[/quote]

I understand completely

[quote user="Casteele"]

[quote user="Ravi"]Is there any way to wipe out my default identity and reinstall it without clobbering multiple GB of emails?  Maybe something has gone amiss deep in one of the config files and the Identity has to be recreated...[/quote]

Actually, I wouldn't suggest that.. Instead, create another user on your PMail system, say "TestUser", and configure it to access your mail (but choose to leave mail on host, etc, so you can still get it with your normal user account as well). Then you can test and play with your settings, see if something you do starts/stops such strange behaviour. If so, then you'll know where to look in your main user configuration. You could also compare config files that way to see what is different between the two, etc.


Great idea! Here are the interesting/encouraging results:

1) I created a TestUser Identity and based it on Default (the only option). Same POP3 server, userid, password, etc.

2) Now, when I Reply-All from _either_ identity, I do _not_ see myself on the address list!

3) If I delete the TestUser Identity, the problem of Reply-All including me comes back on the Default Identity

4) Repeat Step 1, problem goes away

5) Repeat Step 3, problem comes back

So, it is reproducible. I see two options:

A) Declare victory. There is no harm in leaving the TestUser dummy Identity up and it seems to have fixed the problem

B) Figure out why the Default Identity does not function properly by itself

I'm leaning to B) since I'd like to fix the problem conclusively by understanding what's going on.


Ah well, just found out what the problem was... and it is right in my subject line.... Although Pegasus was trying to access Popfile, Popfile itself was not actually installed any longer! Hours later.... it's all fixed. The second problem that was compounding the error was a huge mail in her inbox with an attachment that was possibly corrupt that was clogging the download. Once that was deleted online, the rest is now working fine. Thanks for those who scratched heads over this.


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