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Philip posted May 21 '07 at 2:34 pm

Quick update ...  Thanks for all the helpful advice to date.  I backed up the mysterious 4GB folder onto an external hard drive then deleted the original.  I think it must have been a repository for all the deleted junk mail.  No sign on any ill effects on the functioning or contents of any of the existing mail folders and I now have an extra 4GB of space.  I've also now changed the deleted mail box to continue to show what's in it so can now happily clear that when necessary.

Cheers!  Have a good week..

         Philip   [:D]



thehills posted May 29 '07 at 10:17 pm

I just joined the community and began searching for a solution
to my "lost mailto" problem and found it. Thanks to Dave for
posting the question and to David for the answer.

I have been a Pegasus Mail user since 1994. I found it as an
alternative to Eudora which I hated. 

Thank you David for such a great product.    [:D]


If you want to be sure that all your settings etc are backed up, and you have the space on your backup device, I recomend that you backup the Pegasus Mail install folder and all sub-folders (normally c:\pmail).  If you dont have the space, you should backup all the files in the folder given to you by step 1 in David Harris's instructions above:

[quote user="David Harris"]

1: Run Pegasus Mail; choose "About Pegasus Mail" from the "Help" menu

and click the "Info" button. About four or five items down you'll see 

an item called "Home mailbox location". Write this directory name down



Not 100% sure on the Symantec front (Nortons) but it seems that the latest def is working ok now.

dkocmoud posted May 22 '07 at 8:53 pm

Well, the simplest option is to have each of these "archive" mailboxes in their own directories on your hard drive and then use the Folders -> Add Mailbox To List... menu option to mount each of the additional archive mailboxes.  You can then move or copy emails between folders in the different mailboxes.  However, you cannot simply move a folder between mailboxes (hopefully a future version will allow that).

ralphbrau posted May 18 '07 at 7:11 am

Thanks, David and Barius. You finally got through to me. My ini and cfg files had gotten 'addled'. Everything worked fine when I fixed them. I still don't understand how Pegasus found any message files at all before I fixed these things. Some things, I guess, are just not worth pursuing...

DrPeter posted Mar 10 '12 at 4:32 am

Thank you very much! Installing Pegasus into the C:\Pmail folder did the


I am a bit obsessive about wanting to select the location of the programs

that I install; I have a system that lets me keep track of where I will locate

programs that I install. Up until this particular installation, I was always

able to put Pegasus into my system. But this time, I have to bow to the wisdom

of David Harris, I guess!

 You probably know how relieved I am to see Pegasus in flight! [ip] [:D]

aderoy posted May 19 '07 at 5:48 pm

I think the request is coming from someone who has used LookOut (Outlook), this 'feature' expires messages at a date/time in the future. Of course this can be overruled, and is not compatable between all the different mail clients let alone ones that actually follow the standard.

With all the legal issues now turning up this is something that may not be in the best interest of anyone.

At the end of the day it is up to the enduser to delete the emails. CYA of electronic documents for the most part can be 'difficult'.

tsar posted May 24 '07 at 12:53 am

[quote user="dkocmoud"]

I don't understand why the original poster is not interested in using Mercury/32 to download the POP3 mail via Mercury/32's MercuryD module and have it placed into the public folder (once the next version ships, which supports delivering new mail to a public folder). [/quote]

euh... i'm not using Mercury because i'm using a other mailserver at this moment.  I know Mercury only by name... never installed it ...never seen it..
But... you made me curious ... just put my finger on the Mercury manual.... maybe i will install it and play around with it for a while

looking forward to the most intresting part (concerning this thread) ... dropping mail in a publc folder

This thread is closed for me, or resolved.

Most important things are :
Use public folders to share  mailfolders
Prevent that several users have access to a same mailbox at the time
Only share the new mail folder in a "add mailbox to list" option
Be aware that there is a "user training issue" involved

or keep it simple and
Start Pegasus Mail with the "-U <username>" commandline option to force Pegasus Mail to start up as that other user.

greetings and txs.



Strat posted May 16 '07 at 5:51 am

I found it. In the folders menu 2 other sort options were also selected. Sort reverse and sort unread. That's something I don't recall ever selecting. Must of done it by accident while using one of the other actions. As I always say  ~If I'm not careful, I might learn something.

Thank you.

Han vd Bogaerde posted May 16 '07 at 12:44 am

For sending a new message there is no default id. You can howevere use the new mail form, where the id drop down box in right on the mail window below the Cc field. Set that is Tools -> options -> Messages and replies, the "identity selector" checkbox.

For reply and forward you can set a default identity for each folder. So when you filter specific incoming mail in a folder and reply from out of that folder the identity set as default in the folder will be used. Rightmouse when you are on a folder in the folderslisting to set it.



Barius posted Jun 12 '07 at 5:16 am

1 - Was a link not created for you when Pmail installed?  Usually the icons that would normally be installed in Windows will be installed under the program category 'Wine' or 'Windows Programs'.  Otherwise, I'm not really sure, it could be a permissions thing.

2 - I haven't run into your window closing problem.  You might try playing with the window controls in 'winecfg' (there may be a program menu icon for this configuration program too).  You may also try setting the compatibility mode to Win98 or WinXP.  I usually set my to Win98 by default since it tends to be the most compatible.

3 - I haven't tried ssl/tls under Wine, they may not work at all.  If they do work I can't see why they would be any less secure.

Barius posted May 16 '07 at 1:40 am

I have the exact same problem. However, the users at my office are all using the English version.

I am pretty sure from testing I've done that the problem occurs on shutdown of Pegasus, when the ini file gets written out, not on startup as you might think.

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