Pegasus Mail Suggestions

If you have suggestions or special wishes for Pegasus Mail here is where you make your voice heard.

aderoy posted Dec 31 '10 at 10:59 pm

This could be something with my current setup not sure.

When you search a folder for a subset of messages, select one message and open it (MDI mode NOT preview). Now try to use the Read Next/Prev arrows top left tool bar (red/blue icons). They do not work as expected, could be related to being a Link Folder not sure.

Has anyone else run into this?

If possible a future version of Pegasus handling this would be great. Current Pegasus v4.52 WinXP Pro SP3

Not a member of the '1000' but have been supporting via Paypal when possible over the years.

Thank you

Dave4x4 posted Dec 29 '10 at 10:13 pm


When I receive a digest mail from a special interest group, it is good to sort the messages in that digest by subject, or thread.   This Peg' can do, but within that subject or thread, the messages are listed out of order time wise.  The same happens with regular messages in any mailbox.

Is there some way (or if not, consider this a "Feature Request") for the message sort routine, to sort by subject first, then date/time, so as to make reading a thread much easier.




radhx posted Jan 1 '11 at 9:05 am

[quote user="PaulW"]There are people who use third party sig generators now, but I don't know if graphics are included.[/quote]

Hi Paul,

There is this excellent S/w called Quotes from, but unfortunately it integrates only with MS Outlook.

But on the other hand, it creates a text file which may be used in PMail if the path to this file can be defined for PMail to pick it up while generating new mail / reply etc.

Currently I am copying the contents of this text file generated by Quotes into PMail mails, and it works just fine.

If it can be automated, nothing like it. Hence the query.

Thanks & Regards,




Sharkfin posted Dec 18 '10 at 8:08 pm

radhx has two good points there. I have occasionally made the same wish as his first point myself. I imagine that if one had many autofilter rules, his second point would become useful too.

I would also note that I don't seem to be able to find a way to access the autofilter management screen via the menus. One has to right-click a folder it seems. Is that the only way to discover the feature? Surely it should be under Tools | Mail Filtering Rules...

irelam posted Dec 12 '10 at 1:31 am

I would suggest that if you get so many messages that can be deleted, they are probably recognizable as such both visually, as well as by setting up filters. All that is necessary is to direct the *hits* to the Deleted folder, where they can be examined before permanent deleting them.

If it is just junk mail that you are removing, you should really set up Spamhalter or Content Control in Pegasus Mail, or setup an external mail checking agent to analyse the probability of garbage content (examples are Popfile and K9 which both *learn* as they get used)

Your keyboard suggestion would be difficult to implement as keyboard keys are sent to all open windows within Pegasus Mail.


aderoy posted Nov 8 '10 at 9:26 pm

Not a native (builtin function) but Fookes Software does have an application called Mailbag Assistant that will do as you request. Many companies are required by both law or internal procedures to archive all mail and this is one method of making it happen.

see for more information: 

With this you can archive/search/export or view by saved folders as you wish.

Michael posted Nov 21 '10 at 2:48 am

[quote user="Pega"]Did you read what I was writing? [/quote]

No, I just felt like writing something stupid.

Niall Martin posted Nov 4 '10 at 5:58 pm

I hadn't noticed that facility and it is useful one for spam protection and much else.  It would be even more useful if it could access multiple mailboxes at once. 

Niall Martin posted Nov 4 '10 at 6:05 pm

Further, could forwarded messages be included in the count of messages waiting to be sent at the bottom of the pegasus window?  and in the system message window?  I find the current system a nuisance. 

dilberts_left_nut posted Sep 26 '10 at 5:29 am

[quote user="Nikolas"]

"Debian looks however you want it to look. As I said, if you can't configure it, use Ubuntu."

True, but why bother when Ubuntu has already got it installed by default?

[/quote]Because you won't have to put up with what Ubuntu calls a 'stable' release, and then reinstall every six months.

Setting a wallpaper, icon & window theme is hardly a taxing endeavor.

[quote]"Maybe you should stop telling people how great you are, that's probably why people respond to you in such a fashion."

I haven't stated 'I am so great' anywhere on this forum.. so this just tells me you suffer an inferiority complex.


[quote]"If you had any knowledge of linux you would recognize the idiocy of that statement."

Really? Why is that?

[/quote]Try dropping a kernel from say Fedora into your Ubuntu install and see what happens.

There are some fairly major differences between distro's in how they modify the vanilla kernels, not to mention toolchains, packaging mechanisms, dependency tracking, filesystem types and organisation, as well as build guidelines and overall philosophy.

[quote]"I thought you were ranting about the optional html renderer in a mail CLIENT. What has that got to do with 'a server target market'."

The subject still is MERCURY/PMAIL, but your post failed to mention them, instead, floated around the fact that you spend your Saturday nights in bed analyzing peoples edited posts on an internet forums. Also, like I stated: I believe where there is PMAIL there is MERCURY, hence why I am discussing both of them.

[/quote]For starters it was Sunday morning here :)

The subject purports to be "Feedback" in the "Pegasus Mail Suggestions" subforum, so I still fail to see the relevance of your point about "server target market" in this context.

If you actually read the announcement , idw clearly explains the reasons for the (optional) extension, why he chose IE, the addressing of security concerns, AND the opinion that other engines could also be used. (Maybe it will happen if someone wants to get off their arse and do the

work, rather than act like an ignorant tit and just bitch about it...)

The 'open source' model you are touting so vociferously, is not just about "free stuff", but more about the open collaboration and sharing of knowledge and effort for the benefit of all.

You don't do yourself or your argument (you did have one didn't you?) any favours by pissing and moaning when someone else serves the wrong flavor of "free stuff" to you.

Paavo posted Sep 1 '10 at 9:42 am


As this is a wishlist - kind of - then I would like to see in some next release the handling of IMAP mailbox and so called INBOX folder from user perspective much the same way as POP3 has been handled now in Pmail. I mean that the new mail filter set should apply to all new mails regardless is this an pop3 or imap and also what I miss most is the spamhalter working on imap inbox folder. For POP3 the spamhalter processed the incoming mail and classified content quite nicely but as I understand then there is no way to point the spamhalter to process the content of INBOX at imap mailbox.


adx posted Nov 13 '10 at 1:36 am

Opera and Lotus Notes work like that - and in that way they are unique :)

I've always wanted Pegasus to be able to group or categorise messages by "other party" - across all their different email addresses, formats, my replies to them, and any other emails they appear in, or even threads they have been involved in at some time. That would be a great start. Maybe it can do it if I set up aliases in the address book, but I've never used the address book - quite often I can't recall the name of a customer or vendor, so I have to find a past message some way.


Currently, if I right-click a message in an IMAP folder, and choose Start New Message to Sender..., the complete message, including attachments, is fetched - presumably in order to supply me with the Sender's email address. That seems unnecessary.


[quote user="Neil Fraser"]SKIP command

In place of the SkipNext "" command, I would like to suggest a Skip "N" command where N is the number of lines to skip.  This will allow a condition to be tested and multiple lines skipped without the need for a Label.  <...> In a particular script of mine where a lot of tests are done, it would make the code much more elegant[/quote]

Pegasus provides powerful filtering tools, inviting users to build large and complex scripts. There is definitely a need for the scripting language to match those capabilities, but...  I believe there are a couple of real drawbacks to the suggested solution:

  • Less readable code
  • Major maintenance headaches, for example when later adding or deleting rules inside the skipped range
These were lessons learned by many, many using a multitude of computer languages over 40+ years. Because of this, I vote no to the suggestion. I would much prefer a solution along the following lines:
  • A structured IF ... END construct that encapsulates and hides the underlying GOTOs
  • The possibility to combine multiple matching rules with AND and OR operators
[quote user="Neil Fraser"]HIGHLIGHT / COLOUR commands

It appears that applying a highlight does not affect the email until the script is complete.  I tried setting a colour to an email in my script then testing for this colour later in script, using colour as a marker.  Is this modus operandi intentional, or could the highlight command be made to take effect at the point in the script where it is used?[/quote]

AFAIK this applies to all modifications made by the filtering script. Similarly, running an external task against the message is done using a copy, so the external task can not modify the contents of the actual email.

I would welcome a change to the script semantics, making changes visible immediately. This probably has to be discussed further due to possible side effects. Migration of old scripts? When should a MOVE MESSAGE take place and what does that mean for the rest of the script?


Greetings all!  After using PMail for about 10 years, I am as enthusiastic about it as ever.  Thanks, David.

In PMail 4.41, I have found the abovementioned functionality useful towards easily ensuring that the address in my addressbook is still valid, for a correspondent from whom I receive mail only at intervals.  If I have hit "Reply" on a newly received email from such correspondent, this sender's address will appear in the "To:" space as in the received email.  I can then type my alias for this person into the "Cc:" space, and hit Shift_F3;  this brings up the full address currently in my addressbook, and I can compare that with the address in the "To:" space.

Consequently, I will value it if this functionality can be established in PMail 4.5x (I confess that I have not yet looked at 4.52).  But I am aware that there may be other priorities.


Tom Stein posted Jul 13 '10 at 3:53 am

Paul and Olaf,
Thanks for you replies and tests!
The only 'real' problem or error occurs when you try to lift that hyphenated email address out of that malformatted address entry (with out < ... >) e.g. using right mouse button. ... By the way, this is the first time I have noticed it in all the years [;)] ... but just wanted to mention it.

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