Pegasus Mail Suggestions

If you have suggestions or special wishes for Pegasus Mail here is where you make your voice heard.

pdavis posted May 24 '10 at 12:13 pm

By the way, for the future, if/when the whole address-book binary format changes, it would be really handy to have a simple command line address book import feature available.


No, maybe just my non-standard typing! I guess if it is happening to others, they won't know what happened or will write it down to "must be more careful next time" and so not mention it. It happened a lot of times before I mentioned it here.

I'm assuming the "double dialog box" bug is easy to replicate on other systems.

PS I just found the "enable email subscription" button on this forum and clicked it - I was wondering how to enable that. I should get replies now.

Sharkfin posted Apr 30 '10 at 9:28 pm

If you are replying to a message, there is an option to skip the original parts that are marked with "> " but you probably already know that. When forwarding that is not an option because those markers are not inserted.

If you are not already doing so, might I suggest that you start to "snip" messages that you reply to or forward? This means taking the time to edit out any parts of the original which are no longer relevant to the current conversation. This might include headers with mail addresses and earlier messages in the thread history. This would leave far less for the spellchecker to stall on.

Many people don't edit their messages like this but it is the way it used to be done "back in the day", before the internet was mainstream and when a large e-mail took a while to download. Shorter message = smaller file size = faster transfer.

Perhaps you should turn off the automatic spellchecking and only use it manually on messages that aren't going to cause this issue.

Anyway, after all that, you may have gathered that the answer to your question is "no". Sorry.

irelam posted Apr 30 '10 at 10:14 pm

Example 1  just needs a general rule, which allow for testing the age of messages,  and an action of Delete  if older than that. In your case you will need to combine two rules:  a: if sender is movie house email address AND b: if age greater than 7 days, then action is Delete from Folder.  These rules apply to folders so you should have already Move'd the messages from the Movie house email address into a folder.



[quote user="tecknomage"]

Did you mistype, the latest version at the download site is v4.52 (Windows).[/quote]

Come on, if it's been added in version 4.10 in 2003 does this mean it's been removed since then - especially as you say you've seen the respective dialog in the latest version? My English can't be that bad ...

And maybe you better try TLS as well, providers don't always make a difference here, but there is one!

NetwareRulez posted Apr 13 '10 at 2:32 pm

I fully agree notifications from Public Folders are something completely different compared to notifications from the regular new mail folder. Your subsciption idea indeed sounds good, could even be a nice feature for regular folders. But I can imagine this is not an small, easy thing to build...

aderoy posted Mar 9 '10 at 6:38 pm

Would have to disagree with  the first item:

What version of Windows? Each has a different file format and fields, would be problematic to say the least.

Malware havesting of your addressbook (bad thing)


As for items 2 and 3 IIRC David is already working on the next level of both the addressbook and low level (fileformat/index) of the mailstore.

Michael posted Aug 27 '10 at 3:14 pm

[quote user="danost"]This time there are results from the crash, in the debugger.  This

includes 5 files, including the message that caused the crash.  I can't find a way on this site to send those files to you, please tell me how to do so[/quote]

The debugger usually creates an autosaved Pegasus Mail message which should simply be sent to the beta-reports address supplied therein. But you may send it to idw.doc[at] instead.

rustwood posted Mar 3 '10 at 4:49 am

Super!  Thanks much.

BTW - I understand the logic of mimicking Outlook (due to its widespread use), but it's a little sad that Outlook sets the standard for mail clients.

darbski posted Mar 11 '10 at 5:43 pm

It is very creative, what you propose. [<:o)]

I wrote "I have the same identity for a very long name on different mail servers".

Thank you for your help, but your proposal does not meet my expectations.

I just would like to see a longer name and identity to the names that were identical to those addresses. It's everything and nothing else.


Rammie posted Feb 9 '10 at 12:18 pm

I'm aware this has been mentioned elsewhere under different subject headings, but it might be worth making a specific "wish" for configurable folder columns in PM.

We have a number of "collection" mailboxes for things like spam, audit trails and the like. With a collection mailbox, you may be faced with messages originally intended for a large number of different recipients. However, there is no way to see who the intended recipient is, in the folder list. Particularly when we have to check out the spam folder for unintended hits, we have to open every candidate message to see who it was sent to. This matters because most junk mail is sent to our "public" address and anything else is more likely to be an unintended hit. The better we refine filtering, the more onerous this task becomes, or so it seems [:S]


JohnnyK posted Apr 27 '10 at 3:07 pm

Autofiltering suggestions:

I have two suggestions on my Autofilter wishlist, (the first being an alternative to one somewhere else in this thread):

Indicator for incoming autofiltered mail
When incoming mail is automatically filtered to folders, would it be possible to have some indicator, perhaps floating in the New Mail folder window, advising that some new mails have gone directly to other folders?

Without this, checking new mail always involves checking not only the NewMaill folder but also the Folder Listing, just in case..............

Autofiltering exceptions
Also, could we have an "autfiltering exception" box to ensure that mail with specified addresses don't get autofiltered? Like my own! On occasions moving mail with multiple addresses into an autofiltered folder, the odd address that you didn't want or need specifically associated with an autofiltered folder slips through. Then later you start the game of "hunt the missing email" until you find it buried somewhere you didn't expect!

I appreciate there are manual controls to prevent this happening; wouldn't it be easier simply to tell the gatekeeper, programmatically, who not to allow in?


[quote user="Jerry Wise"]I would direct you to RFC5322 (the latest on the subject) where absolute limit is 998 chars but the SHOULD limit is 78 chars per line. HTML or plain text does not change the requirements or recommendation.[/quote]

Well, although this is true the reality is more complicated, and as a (kind of) co-developer I personally would work around this by being tolerant when reading such messages: In current days there's almost no RAM limit other than by design (i.e. 4 GB on 32bit systems and much much more (2^64) on 64bit systems) and I'm confident that this would suffice to accomodate any line length currently seen (unless specially crafted for overflow testing). If creators of such messages simply used quoted-printable for wrapping these lines we wouldn't even see this issue at all, but again: Reality is more complicated ...

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